A hub page to keep all my characters together, they share a slight narrative but are more or less individuals on their own path.
Disclaimer: If I am on a character it typically means I'm only interested in playing that character at the moment. If we've had a few scenes before or are friendly already feel free to ask about others. But typically it's not gonna happen.
Corporate Assets
Matt Sani - Male Jaguar, Age 27. Bisexual with a predatory lean.
(FYI this character is the main sona)
Nat Sani - Female Jaguar, Age 26. Straight with a predatory lean.
Athos Narya - Male Synth Naga, Age 32. Bisexual, predator.
Nishan - Female Viper, Age 32. Bisexual, predator.
Free Agents
Bryson Shard - Andromorphic Male Mouse, Age 25. Bisexual, Prey.
Colin Cormac - Male Flemish Hare, Age 28. Bisexual, Unknown Status
Alora Shard - Female Shark, Age 31. Straight, Predator.
Rogue Elements
Tenzo Mercer - Male Horse, Age 28. Pansexual, Predatory lean.
Hachi Tenzo - Female Horse, Age 26. Bicurious, Prey lean.
Josephine Remy - Female Rat, Age 26. Straight, Prey.
Sauket Male Snake, Unknown Age. Pansexual, Predator.