EP Weapons

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This section details weapons, and any modifications you can make to them. Some weapons can be offered in unique variants or constructed from scratch if your character has the appropriate skills and access to the parts.


Melee Weapons

These weapons require you to be adjacent to your enemy and to smack them with them directly.

Extendable Baton

Description: This hardened composite baton retracts into its handle for easy carrying, storage, or concealment. Extending it simply requires a flick or an electronic signal.
Cost: [Trivial]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons

Flex Cutter

Description: The blade of this machete-like weapon is made of a memory polymer. When deactivated, the blade is limp and flexible, and may even be rolled up or otherwise easily concealed. When activated, however, the blade stiffens and sharpens into a vicious slashing weapon.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons


Description: A standard cutting implement, still carried by many.
Cost: [Trivial]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons

Monofilament Sword

Description: Though swords are rather archaic in the time of Eclipse Phase, a few eccentrics take advantage of modern versions with a selfsharpening near-monomolecular edge, easily capable of slicing through metal or limbs.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons

Monowire Garrote

Description: This assassin's weapon features a dangerous monomolecular wire wrapped around a contained spool with two handles. One handle grips the spool, while the other extends the wire so that it may be used to wrap around targets (typically necks or limbs) and slice through them when pulled. Monofilament tensile strength is weak, however, usually breaking after one use. This uses Melee Weapons: Exotic skill.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons

Shock Baton

Description: Shock batons are standard clubs used for policing duties, but when activated they also deliver an electric shock to struck targets (see Shock Attacks, p. 204).
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons


Description: These buzzing electronic blades vibrate at a high frequency for extra cutting ability. This has little extra effect when stabbing or slashing, but provides an extra -3 AP and +2d10 damage when carefully sawing through something.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons

Wasp Knife

Description: Wasp knives are equipped with a canister in their handle. The common use is to fill these canisters with pressured air, which inflates inside the target. This is potentially lethal in vacuum or pressurized environments (like underwater), as the gas bursts out of the body cavity to escape (+2d10 damage in such situations). Wasp knives may also be loaded with chemicals, drugs, or nanobots. The target must be damaged for the canister's contents to affect them.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Melee Weapons

Kinetic Weapons

Kinetic weapons launch a projectile at high speeds to do damage. Normal kinetic weapons operate using explosive or other means of propelling their projectile. All the listed kinetic weapons can be obtained in a 'railgun' variant that, while it can only use Standard and AP ammunition, offers the following changes:

  • Additional -3 AP
  • Additional 2 DV
  • Max Range x1.5
  • Cost Category +1
  • Battery-using (Std. Batt. = 200 Shots)

Automatic Rifles

Description: Automatic rifles use rifle ammunition and have greater range and penetration than SMGs. They fire in semi-auto, burst fire, or full auto modes. They are two-handed weapons.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Kinetic Weapons

Machine Gun

Description: Machine guns are heavy weapons, typically mounted, and intended to provide continuous fire for support or suppressive purposes. They fire in burst fire or full auto modes, and are two-handed weapons.
Cost: [High]
Source: CRB Kinetic Weapons


Description: Pistols are small-sized (Gear Sizes, p. 297) and designed for one-hand use. Light pistols sacrifice penetrating ability for concealability. Heavy pistols focus on stopping power, with medium pistols occupying a middle ground. All versions fire in semiautomatic, burst-fire, and full-auto modes.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Kinetic Weapons

Sniper Rifle

Description: Sniper rifles are optimized for range, accuracy, penetration, and stopping power. They fire in semiauto mode only and are two-handed weapons.
Cost: [High]
Source: CRB Kinetic Weapons

Submachine Guns

Description: SMGs use pistol ammunition, but are medium-sized (Gear Sizes, p. 297) and may fire in semi-auto, burst fire, or full auto modes. They typically are designed in a bullpup configuration for close quarters operations and are ideal for tactical and strike teams.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Kinetic Weapons

Beam Weapons

Beam weapons do not require ammo, instead they fire a coherent beam of energy at their targets, and use battery power.

Laser Pulsers

Description: Laser weapons use focused beams of light to inflict damage on the target by burning into it and causing its outer surface to vaporize and expand, creating an explosive effect. The laser beam is pulsed in order to bite into the target before the beam is diffused. Pulsers are vulnerable to atmospheric effects like dust, mist, smoke, or rain, however; the gamemaster should reduce their effective range categories as appropriate. Note that laser pulses are invisible in the normal visual spectrum (but are visible to characters with enhanced vision). Pulsers are medium-sized (see p. 297) and fire in semi-auto mode. One advantage to the pulser is that it can be placed in less-lethal mode. In this case, it first fires a pulse at the target to create a ball of plasma, quickly fired by a second pulse that strikes the plasma and creates a flash-bang shockwave to stun and disorient the target. This blast has an area of effect with a 1-meter radius. Anyone caught in the blast must make a SOM x 2 Test (SOM x 3 for synthmorphs or biomorphs with any form of pain tolerance). Failure means the target is temporarily stunned and disoriented and loses their next action. A critical failure means the target is knocked down and paralyzed for 1 Action Turn per 10 points of MoF. In this stun setting, the pulser fires only in single-shot mode.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Beam Weapons

Microwave Agonizer

Description: The agonizer fires millimeterwave beams that create an unpleasant burning sensation in skin (even through armor) and to metals. Agonizers have two settings. The first is an active denial setting that causes extreme burning pain in the target, inflicting -20 to the target's actions and forcing them to move away from the beam on their next action unless they succeed in a WIL Test (targets with Level 1 Pain Tolerance or the equivalent only suffer a -10 modifier and roll WIL x 2). Synthetic morphs and biomorphs with Level 2 Pain Tolerance (or the equivalent) are immune to this weapon. The second setting (colloquially known as the 'roast' setting) has the same effect of the first, but also actually burns the target, inflicting the listed damage. Originally developed for crowd control, the agonizer is also useful for repelling animals. The agonizer is small-sized (p. 297) and fires in single-shot mode.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Beam Weapons

Particle Beam Bolter

Description: This weapon shoots a bolt of accelerated particles at near light speed that transfer massive amounts of kinetic energy to the target, superheating and creating an explosion when striking. The bolter's beam is not diffused by the cloud that occurs when it strikes, and so it has greater penetration than the laser pulser. Likewise, the bolter is not affected by smoke, fog, or rain. The bolter's beam is invisible (but visible in infrared). Bolters must be set for either atmospheric or exoatmospheric (vacuum) operation and will not function in the opposite environment, though it only takes a Complex Action to switch. Bolters fire in semi-auto mode and are rifle-sized two-handed weapons.
Cost: [High]
Source: CRB Beam Weapons

Plasma Rifle

Description: This bulky, heavy, two-handed weapon blasts a stream of nova-hot plasma at the target, inflicting severe burns and thermal damage, possibly melting or evaporating the target entirely. Plasma rifles are perhaps the deadliest man-portable weapons in use. Any hit that is an Excellent Success (MoS 30+) sets the target on fire (p. 198); they will continue to take 2d10 damage per Action Turn until extinguished. Plasma guns suffer from dangerous overheating in vacuum and require 1 full Action Turn of cool-down time after every 2 shots. Plasma rifles fire in semi-auto mode.
Cost: [Expensive]
Source: CRB Beam Weapons

Spray Weapons

These weapons spray their ammo rather than using individual projectiles.


Description: Equipped with a specialized nanobot hive, Buzzers are used to spray a nanoswarm (p. 328) on a target or area. They have a limited capacity of swarms, though the nanohive can construct one new swarm each hour. This weapon is two-handed.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Spray Weapons


Description: Freezers spew out a fast-hardening foam that immediately begins to harden. They are primarily used as a non-lethal method of immobilizing or securing a target. Struck characters must immediately make a REF x 3 Test or become trapped. Apply a -30 modifier to this test if the attacker scored an Excellent Success (MoS 30+). The foam allows characters to breath even if their mouth and nose are covered, but it may impede sight. Freezer foam can be spiked with contact toxins or drugs to additionally sedate the target. It can also be used to construct temporary barricades or cover. Hardened foam has an Armor of 10 and Durability of 20. It slowly breaks down and degrades over a 12 hour period. Freezers are twohanded.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Spray Weapons

Shard Pistol

Description: The shard pistol is a flechette weapon, firing a stream of of diamondoid monomolecular shards at high velocities. These micro flechettes are very good at penetrating armor, but they do not disperse kinetic energy well and so do not cause as much tissue damage as kinetic weapons. Shard ammunition is often coated with drugs or toxins for extra efficiency.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Spray Weapons


Description: A heavier version of the shard pistol, the shredder fires a larger cloud of lethal flechettes, enough to shred a portion of the target into a fine mist.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Spray Weapons


Description: This is a general-purpose two-handed squirtgun, loaded with tanks filled with the chemical or drug of the wielder's choice.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Spray Weapons


These launch rockets, basically, or are thrown weapons like grenades. Seeker missiles are very small in the future, and can be launched from pistol-sized launchers.

Disposable Launcher (Standard Missile)

Description: This launcher is pre-packed with one standard missile.
Cost: [Moderate (includes missile)]
Source: CRB Seekers

Seeker Armband (Micromissile)

Description: This weapons unit is worn on the arm, allowing the user to point and fire using an entoptic smartlink system. Though highly portable, the armband's micromissile supply is low. It fires in single-shot mode.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Seekers

Seeker Pistol (Micromissile)

Description: This pistol-sized seeker launcher fires micromissiles in semi-auto mode.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Seekers

Seeker Rifle (Micromissile/Minimissile)

Description: The seeker rifle comes in a bullpup configuration and fires either micromissiles or minimissiles in semi-auto mode. It is a two-handed weapons.
Cost: [High]
Source: CRB Seekers

Weapon Mods

These modifications can be applied to most kinetic weapons, unless otherwise noted. Some weapons include these already.

Arm Slide

Description: This slide-mount can hold a pistolsized weapon under a character's sleeve, pushing the weapon into the character's hand with an electronic signal or specific sequence of arm movements.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods

Extended Magazine

Description: This ammunition case has an increased capacity. Increase the weapon's ammo capacity by +50%. Only available for firearms and seekers.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods

Flash Suppressor

Description: This device obscures the muzzle flash on firearms, applying a -10 modifier on Perception Tests to locate a firing weapon by its flash.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods


Description: This weapon harness features a gyrostabilized weapon mount that keeps the weapon steady. Negates all modifiers from movement.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods

Imaging Scope

Description: Imaging scopes attach to the top of the weapon and act like specs (p. 326). Scopes may also bend like a periscope, along a character to point the weapon and target around corners without leaving cover.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods

Laser Sight

Description: This underbarrel laser emits a beam that places a glowing red dot on the target to assist targeting. Apply a +10 modifier to Attack Tests (not cumulative with a smartlink modifier). Laser sights may also be used to paint a target for laser-guided smart ammo or seekers. Infrared and ultraviolet lasers are also available, so that the dot is only visible to characters able to see in those spectrums.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods

Safety System

Description: A biometric (palmprint or voiceprint) or ego ID (p. 279) sensor is embedded in the weapon, disabling it if anyone other than an authorized user attempts to fire it.
Cost: [Low]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods

Shock Safety

Description: Just like a safety system, except that an unauthorized user is zapped with an electric shock. Treat as a shock baton (p. 335).
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods

Silencer/Sound Suppressor

Description: This barrel-mounted accessory reduces the sound of a firearm's discharge (they may not be used on railguns). Apply a -10 modifier on hearing-based Perception Tests to hear or locate the gun's firing.
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods


Description: A smartlink system connects the weapon to the user's mesh inserts, placing a targeting bracket in the character's field of vision and providing range and targeting information. Apply a +10 modifier to the Attack Test. Smartlinks also incorporate a microcamera that allows the user to see what the weapon is pointed at, fire around corners, etc. Smartlinks also allow certain other types of weapon system control, such as changing flux ammo (p. 338) or programming seeker trigger conditions (p. 199).
Cost: [Moderate]
Source: CRB Weapon Mods
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