
From Vulpine Hollow
Revision as of 07:30, 5 July 2013 by Kaoru (Talk | contribs)

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This template is used on the Main Page and Community Portal to talk about upcoming events concerning the community at Vulpine Hollow, in the current month. This can be anything from games scheduled on the chat, to major streams that will be hosted, to events relating to Hollow-dwellers meeting up at 'cons, as well as anything else that sounds good oh god I am not good at words.

This month on Vulpine Hollow: December

  • Wednesday, July 3rd: "Awesome Cat Party" in Jag's room at AC - see the AC Meetups page for more info!
  • Thursday-Sunday, July 4th-7th: Anthrocon! Come meet us and have a fantastic time in Pittsburgh! See the AC Meetups page for all contact info and VH event times!
  • Friday, July 5th: VH Community Meetup! The Convention Center Riverfront Park by the convention center, Friday evening, starting at 5:00 PM with no set ending time! Get some takeout and bring your own meal, have a seat, and get to know your fellow Hollow users! Check the Meetups page for directions or ask a friend!
  • Saturday, July 6th: VH Community Booze-Up! Wasd's hotel room at the Marriott, Saturday night, starting at 8:00 PM and ending at 11:59 PM. 21 and over only - Absolutely no minors, in accordance to Anthrocon's Underage Drinking Policy! We will card at the door! Room 1031 at the Marriott.

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