
From Vulpine Hollow
Revision as of 14:17, 17 June 2013 by Kimmy (Talk | contribs)

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Okay, a few things you DO need to know:

Security Levels

  • Security clearance is given based on the colors of the rainbow. They are, from highest to lowest:
    • Ultraviolet (White)
    • Violet
    • Indigo
    • Blue
    • Green
    • Yellow
    • Orange
    • Red
    • Infrared (Black)
  • Being in an area that is colored above your clearance, or owning an ITEM that is outside your clearance level (This includes owning an item of that color - a yellow pencil is Yellow clearance!) is a traitorous offense!


  • Essentially in a Paranoia campaign you have six lives. You have what's called a six-pack of clones - if you die, another clone will be somehow delivered to your locale posthaste.

Your goals

  • Serve The Computer!
  • Destroy Commie mutant traitors!
  • Complete your mission successfully!
  • Serve the interests of your Secret Society!
  • Survive! Sometimes! Maybe!

Your real goals

  • Entertain the GM, fellow players, and spectators!
  • Be a ham. ACT IT UP and have fun!
  • EXPERIMENT! Do stupid things! Do things you ARE NOT SURE OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN!
  • Be a bastard! Screw over your teammates! It's all in good fun; that's how the game is MEANT to be played!
  • Again: Try to be entertaining, and HAVE FUN. That is the key to this game. If you have fun, and you are entertaining, you'll do great~!
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