VH Town Hall Minutes June 8th 2013

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Revision as of 20:35, 8 June 2013 by Timber (Talk | contribs)

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  • 17:22:45: Kaoru introduced the topic of Explicitness/Censorship topic for discussion. There was a lot of back and forth, and numerous suggestions made, such as increased spoiler functions, polling, voluntary censorship, and increased ignore functions. It was ultimately decided it would be issue that would continue to be considered by the staff.
  • 17:50:27 We introduced the topic of harassment; what constitutes when a member is being harassed, so that it could be introduced to the chat interaction guide as a hard rule. Ideas suggested, among others, were a report system, a ticketing system, better user guidelines, guidelines and suggestions.
  • n18:11:56 The floor was opened to discuss Game Room interaction and rule guidelines. Some ideas that were put forth were a built-in GM system to act as ‘mini-mods’, mods appointing a GM with some mod abilities for the duration of the game, and giving GMs the authority to act on certain things. A general consensus was arrived at for this topic: that common sense, chat-wide rules, and the general thoughts on the matter are agreed-upon as reasonable and worth implementing.
  • 18:30:15 The floor was opened to Edward, who had a feature suggestion he added to the topic list ahead of time. The issue was resolved quickly. However, new ideas were suggested, such as timezones listed in profiles, and a live clock.
  • 18:47:43 The floor was opened to discuss login credentials for GULP/VULP, a newly implemented instant messenger system for Vulpine Hollow users, whether logins would be root accounts or specific characters. Some folks expressed not seeing a need for it. There was a lot of back and forth, and no hard resolution was achieved.
  • 19:16:58 The floor was opened to discuss how to handle new user registration. We don’t want an ‘immigration panel’. Ideas were presented, such as an invitation system, a probation period, a CAPTCHA and chat tutorial, a mentorship program. Time was extended to discuss the topic. There was a lot of back and forth, and eventually, we had to close discussion with the idea of future revisits.
  • 19:38:22: A 15 minute recess was called.
  • 19:56:02: The 15 minute recess was ceased. A final summation of the previous topic was posted.
  • 20:13:16 The floor was opened to discuss user-run submissions for the message of the day. Many users suggested a means of announcing impromptu games via such a user submitted message of the day. Some ideas suggested were adding it to the ticker, or to the calendar.
  • 20:34:46: The floor was opened to suggest two new feature suggestions: “RP Vision”, that is, where a user can select when they see those engaged in RP or not, and a “Nickname/Notify” feature, where you can customize which words you want to have ding you. It was agreed that the Nickname/Notify feature will be implemented.
  • 20:53:40 The floor was opened to the idea of having custom profile templates uploaded somewhere for anybody in the community to access and use for themselves! Timber stated he will make a wiki page for that exact purpose.
  • 21:09:33 The floor was opened for anybody to bring up any additional concerns! None were stated, aside from who got to eat Kaoru first.
  • 21:11:45 The meeting was adjourned!
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