Vulpine Hollow Guide

From Vulpine Hollow
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What is Vulpine Hollow?

Vulpine Hollow is a mature online community of people who share common interests in vore (or "vorarephilia"), online chatting and roleplaying, and (for the most part) furry characters.

What makes Vulpine Hollow different from other communities?

Compared to other sites, our goal is to cultivate a community focused on the people who make it up - our members - and their interactions, rather than focusing exclusively on the fetish aspects we share. We want to enable fun, adult interactions in a friendly environment, providing a space for casual or deep vorish or sexual roleplay, or interesting conversation, or simple hanging out. Our hope is that, recognizing that every one of us is - behind the screen - a real person, with feelings, with needs, and with talents and interests to share with others, we'll allow even more fulfilling and satisfying experiences to take place within the digital confines of the Hollow.

What are the rules here?

These rules are an overview of our community's common guidelines. They are not all-inclusive. They may be expanded or added to at any time, and it should not be construed that just because something isn't listed here, it's okay to do. All of these are more or less expansions on our primary guideline - "Don't be a dick!" - and our moderators reserve the right to make judgment calls about people in the chatroom acting up in imaginative ways.

  1. To use this chat room, you must at least 18 years old AND be of legal age to view adult material in your jurisdiction. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this rule. This is an adult chat room. If you are underage, it is illegal for you to be here. Any user that is found to be underage will be banned immediately.
  2. Viewing vore-related content must be legal in your jurisdiction. If viewing vore-related content violates local laws in your jurisdiction, we ask that you not access this website. You will be banned if we find that it is illegal for you to view this website.
  3. Do not spam or self-promote in the chat room without our permission. Our definition of spam and self-promotion includes advertising services or commercial goods and using pay per click services for your profit. It does not include sharing artwork or written work you've created or advertising non-profit events you are holding outside of the chat room (e.g. a stream on, a contest on FA). Multiple offenses of this rule may, at a moderator's or administrator's discretion, result in a temporary ban, and those that make a habit of this sort of behavior can likewise be permanently banned.
  4. Harassment will not be tolerated. Our definition of harassment includes, but is not limited to, intentionally trying to upset or disturb people, intentionally causing drama, maliciously trolling people, attacking or insulting people over views they hold or roleplaying preferences they have, talking maliciously behind people's backs, threatening people, cyber-stalking people, bullying people, and pressuring people to chat or roleplay. We have zero tolerance for this sort of stuff and we will permanently ban anyone that we find intentionally harassing others in our chat room. If you feel that you are being harassed by someone here and we don't immediately see it, contact us right away so that we can look into and deal with the situation.
  5. Treat others with respect. Heated and contentious discussions will happen. There will be disagreements. People will get a little passionate when talking about certain topics. This is all fine. We are all human (offline, at least). All we ask is to try to remain respectful at all times, even when there are disagreements between you and others. You'll be given a warning if we feel that a discussion is getting too hostile for the chat. If you do not heed our warning, you'll receive a 24 hour ban from the website. Repeat offenders of this rule risk getting permanently banned from the website, so please do not let this happen too often.
  6. When roleplaying, respect your partner's preferences. Not doing so is considered very rude in our community. If you feel that someone is not respecting your roleplaying preferences, contact a moderator or an administrator and they will deal with the issue. Multiple offenses of this rule may, at a moderator's or administrator's discretion, result in a temporary ban, and those that make a habit of this sort of behavior can likewise be permanently banned. (Note: If you are unsure that content you wish to include would offend your partner, we encourage you to ask them about it before posting it.)
  7. If two people are roleplaying with each other, do not join their RP without both of their permission. Joining someone's RP without their permission is considered very rude in our community, and we do not take kindly to it. If someone joins your roleplay and you have an issue with it, contact a moderator or an administrator and they will deal with the issue. Multiple offenses of this rule may, at a moderator's or administrator's discretion, result in a temporary ban, and those that make a habit of this sort of behavior can likewise be permanently banned. (Note: If you are unsure whether it's okay to join a roleplay or not, you are allowed to ask. If the people that are involved request that you don't join, however, don't pursue the matter any further.)
  8. If someone has indicated that they are lurking, leave them alone. Disturbing them is considered very rude in our community. If you are lurking and someone won't leave you be, contact a moderator or an administrator and they will deal with the issue. Multiple offenses of this rule may, at a moderator's or administrator's discretion, result in a temporary ban, and those that make a habit of this sort of behavior can likewise be permanently banned. (Note: If you are unsure whether someone is lurking, you are allowed to approach them and ask. If they indicate that they are lurking, however, don't pursue any further interaction with them.)
  9. Listen to the moderators and administrators. We are not perfect, but please believe that we have good intentions behind everything we say and do. All we want is to see this community prosper. If we ask you to do something, please try to cooperate with us. If you can't or don't feel that you should have to, please explain to us why without disrupting activity in the chat room. We're all willing to listen and discuss any issues you have with any of our decisions, so please take advantage of this whenever you feel we've made a mistake somewhere. (Note: This does not mean you have to talk to us in private about issues you have with our decisions. Public discussion of issues is allowed as long as it doesn't disrupt chat activities. If you want to publicly discuss an issue, announce your intentions to the chat room and then move to a different area of the chat so that the discussion doesn't interrupt any ongoing roleplaying or chatting.)
  10. Have fun. This is the most important rule. All of us are here to have fun, relax, and have a good time, and you should, too! If there is anything that you feel would make our community and chat more fun, please tell us. We're always open to new ideas.

How does the chat room work?

We are planning on writing a more extensive guide on how to use the chat. For now, if you are confused, ask questions in the chat room. We are all friendly here.

How do I introduce myself to everyone?

This is very simple. The best place to introduce yourself is in the Vore Room, which is the general-purpose area of the chat. Upon logging in there, you might see us chatting or roleplaying, but this does not mean we're busy. Just say hi and introduce yourself. You'll find our members very friendly and welcoming. In fact, you might get a couple of welcomes before you even say anything!

Where can I chat with people?

The best place to chat with people is in the Vore Room, which is the general purpose area of the chat. This is where most of us hang out. You can also chat with people in the Library, but only by private messages since public messages are disabled in that area.

Where can I roleplay with people?

How do I report a bug or technical issue to the administrators?

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