
Byte Fantail

Likes / YES:
Friendly people, cheese and grapes, tennis balls and shiny things, chasing squirrels, being told he's a good boy c:

Dislikes / NO:
Mean people, pain / blood, vulgarity / swearing, being called a bad dog (would make him cry!), pregnancy, mustard

Gender: Byte Fantail is a c-boy, a vagentleman, a guy with a vajayjay ;)

Species: He's an anthro siberian husky

His physique is an exaggerated feminine, elegant one, lean and toned but not overly muscular. Very petite, he is also kind of short, about 5 ft tall. His hair is longer, sometimes tied up behind him but usually left loose.

His usual attire includes black harem pants with elastic around the ankles and waist, no shirt but green and black striped elbow-to-wrist stockings, a red collar with a large green jingle bell and red glasses. No shoes, as he is digigrade. He sometimes wears a Lucario hoodie :D

Abilities: He uses magic, mostly just for comedic purposes as he won't use them in an actual rp. Should you fight him though be sure you can counter / nullify magic! He uses counterspells himself and one of his favorite spells is Redirect, so keep that in mind. If he uses magic, they will be cast and can be responded to, they don't auto-resolve. But if there is no response they will take effect. If this is a problem, don't fight him.

His abilities are all centered around the Izzet League, a Ravnican guild, drawing his power and mana from the mountains or fire and ocean or water. He focuses on countering spells, electricity, unsummoning, and inventing things. He also has access to any Blue or Red Magic instants and sorceries.

I appreciate the interest, but I am not interested in taking a pet or making anyone a brother / sister / parent / child / cousin / master / mistress / etc. I could always use more friends though! And Byte has plenty of love for everyone ^.^

Ideal scenes:

Someone pushing him down or bending him over a table and giving him a good humping whether he wants it or not.

Any sort of accident / wardrobe malfunction ending with him humped.

Stealing his clothes, teasing him, then carrying him off nude.

Being captured, tied up and lewded, maybe gulped afterwards.

Jacree / Loti is his fluffy brother
Minifops is his foxy owner
Logan_Lucario, Charles_Mew, and Wade_Charizard are his pokemon team in that order.

Contact Info:
o MSN: [email protected]
o AIM: dracodragon5
o YIM: stoneydude5
o Skype: dracodragon5
o Discord: Sillydraco #5541
o 3DS FC: 3523-2674-0300
o Pokemon Go: 4443 2066 4013
o Animal Crossing Pocket Camp: 9304 7523 426
o Switch Friend Code: SW-8325-2460-1627

Alt of sillydraco c:
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ;_;
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Meh, don't really like it
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike No thank you u_u
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike eww :<
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike wat
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike MINE >:[
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike <3
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike eww