
One of the three pokemon that belong to byte_fantail. The other two pokemon are Logan_Lucario and Charles_Mew.

Wade is a normal charizard. He is very lazy, and usually can't be bothered to battle, mostly leaving the fighting to Logan. If bothered he is likely to reward them with a tour of his belly and go back to sleep.

He mostly lazes about and sleeps, though he may be tempted to move about if he was hungry enough. Hope that the kitchen is closer than you are!

He can Mega Evolve, but only if his trainer Byte or Minifops are in the room.

Here are his stats:
LV 88
HP 259
ATK 192
DEF 152
SP. ATK 276
SP. DEF 166
Speed 202

Ability - Blaze, Nature - Brave

Flare Blitz

An alt of sillydraco