Knowhere CityWizarding License |
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Once described as 'Horny Gandalf' the habbit is actually an Incubus. Not a demon, just a member of an empathic race of shapeshifters with a bad reputation. Dragons wiped out much of his kind and his old clan leader is dead. Jinan survives old enemies by advertising his skills as a wizard specialized in dimensional travel and lord of his own house. Jinan's working to fill the void by building his new family in House Tolesa and he tends to over react when something threatens this new future.
So what is a habbit? Well when a hyena & a rabbit love eachother... Or maybe this is just a character of someone who reads too many furry webcomics. Yeah, that's probably it. Where else would we get a cigar smoking, scotch drinking, wizard? That he's also an incubus means shapeshifting and empathic senses get thrown into the mix. While the fourth wall could break at any moment, at least it'll be fun. Right?
~Put a fancy quote here & change it~
~Form blazing snark!~
~The world's a stage. Give us a show!~
~Bowties are cool?~
~Don't click me!~
♫♩ Usually I charge a sacrificial lamb ♪♬
~We got the tools and the talent~
~If you start it, I'll finish it~
Extra links
Jinan is a slaver. He owns people, and enjoys it. His thralls are for rent at reasonable (his reasonable) rates. The expectation is that they will obey their renter's whims but also that they themselves will be respected as Jinan's possessions. For those already owned, Jinan also offers training in a number of areas ranging from mundane slavery to the arcane arts.
Those slaves who serve him had best remember his expectations.
Be Obedient: | Owner's word is law. Lawbreakers are punished. |
Be Civil: | A slave's behavior reflects on the owner's honor. Do not sully it. |
Be Superior: | Always seek to improve. You were not bought for perfection, you were chosen to become perfect. |
Be Daring: | To be afraid is not shameful. To be afraid to try is |
Be Active: | Never be idle. There is always someone in need of service, something to clean, or something to practice. |
Be Fruitful: | Serve any Freeborn as if your well being depends on your performance. It does. |
Be Content: | Jealousy and possessiveness have harmed more slaves than disobedience. |
Master's Training
Below are skills Jinan is recognized for teaching to slaves. His arcane lessons are typically reserved for the freeborn.
Dance & Performance
What sorts of RP do I like? Not too picky. I thrive on details and creativityThe more you give me the more I can throw back at you!
The chart below is just a rough idea of the kinds of RPs Jinan normally gets into. Feel free to give me a poke anytime. If I'm here then I either want to hang out or I've gotten sucked into Crunchyroll again.
RP Styles
Certainly ♥ 200% |
Probably ☑ 100% |
Perhaps ? 50% |
Never ☠ 0% |
Semi-formal Nearly Comic Powers