"Like what you see? You'll be it soon enough..."
Vox. Maybe you've heard of him. If you haven't, he's hard to miss. He's an absolutely rotund fox-taur that looms over most everything else. His anthro portion is relatively slender and rather handsome, but his tauric form packs a hefty, swaying gut, a product of a clearly healthy appetite. His form is never obscured by clothing and no notable markings help him stand out from his kin. The three signs that mark Vox from other fox-taurs are his hefty stomach, his deep green eyes and an ever-present smile that seems both welcoming and devious at once.
This fox-taur is a predator. His species and stomach make it obvious enough, but the absolute depths of his gluttony are noteworthy, even among taurs. Three things separate this beast from the common predator.
First, he's picky. Much like natural predators, Vox's preferred meals are the weak, but rather than going after the sick, he goes after the innocent. This creature's sweet tooth is for those who don't deserve to be food, the young, cute or kind who wander into arm's reach.
Second, his stomach's process isn't natural. Somehow, this taur is able to absorb the very souls of those he consumes. Rather than allowing them to pass into the afterlife, they become permanent additions to him, broken down both physically and spiritually for energy.
Third, the taur seems to be all but indestructible. He's likely consumed thousands and despite many angry relatives and would-be heroes, he's still alive and swallowing up more prey. Attempting to save or avenge meals simply doesn't turn out well.
If engaged in conversation, one would find a hedonistic taur with an absolute adoration of his predatory lifestyle. He seems to believe that he's an essential part of nature and that he makes those he eats into a piece of something greater. He holds no ill will toward his meals. In fact, he adores them, desiring to 'keep' those he likes.
Vox is a physical and psychological apex predator, an avatar of gluttony that lives to consume. Approaching him means putting one's life and afterlife at risk. Once his hunger is aroused, there's little escape and once you're inside, there's no getting out.
((Member of
Voxs Posse.))