

Torrle wanted to help fatten up Mugota by feeding himself to him, but didn't realize just how greedy the goat was at the time! Consciously or not, Mugota absorbed the wolf's soul along with his body, leaving him stuck as just another layer of pudge on the goat's gut!

This "reform-o-meter" here, showing how much power I have remaining. Sometimes it gets updated, sometimes I forget. I'll also attempt to keep track of some status effects here as well. Torrle can be changed/restored via soul vore.

No effects, currently

Vore Methods:

Oral Vore:
[A holds B] >> [A puts B in mouth] >> [B enters A's throat, taking 1hp constriction damage] >> [B enters stomach and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape]

Paw Absorption: (only to shrunk opponents)
[A holds B, shrunk 3 times] >> [A steps on B] >> [B is partially enveloped in A's paw, taking 1hp crush damage] >> [B is enveloped and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 10 or higher to escape, after modifiers]

Soul Vore:
Special method of periodic weaknening. See moves below. May be omitted from play at opponent's discretion.

Cock vore, Tail vore, Anal vore: Either unwilling or incapable.

+4 to rolls against bad smells.
+3 to physical rolls against giants.
+2 to physical rolls against felines and fire attacks.
+1 to rolls against anal vore.
-1 to rolls against lapines until he incurs damage or 2nd stage of vore.
-2 to rolls against cold, dark, or void.
-3 to rolls against mind control/psychic/soul attacks (does not apply to his own moves used against him).
-4 to rolls against size change.
Does NOT deal constriction damage in throat.
If stunned, seduced, or unconscious, soul vore/life force attacks will do double damage/duration/effect.

Acquired Passives (typically last 6 months):
(all acquired passives have expired)


Electric Charge (Almost Anytime)(revised):
Anytime Torrle can touch his palms to his opponent, even if he's inside someone, he can attempt this move to stun them for a little while.
This move cannot be repeated more often than once every 8 rounds.

Result is determined by the difference in rolls:
For each 8 that Torrle's die wins, the opponent is stunned 1 round.
For each 1 above that, a -1 penalty to the opponent on the following round.
Example: You roll 4, Torrle rolls 15 ==> A difference of 11 ==> Stunned for 1 round, -3 on round after that.
If Torrle's die loses, subtract 5 from the difference and apply the same penalty to him, in addition to whatever the opponent does.

Electric Shrink (Almost Anytime):
This move works exactly as Electric Charge, but instead of sapping strength, it causes them to dwindle down in size! With each successful attack, his opponent will endure a stacking -2 as they lose about 25% of their height. This condition will either last for 8 turns, or until the opponent 1) rolls an 18+ while outside of Torrle, or 2) spends a turn specifically to "recover", winning the roll.

Opponents shrunk once can still engage in vore, but because of the size difference, 1 extra phase of the vore method will occur (mouth, if oral). Attacks and digestion deals 1 less damage.

Opponents shrunk twice can still engage in vore, but the size difference will double the length of the number of phases. In addition, unless the character is stretchy, they will endure 1hp damage for every 2 phases they have Torrle inside them, except for the belly. Attacks and digestion deals 2 less damage.

Opponents shrunk three times may not engage in vore (but some exceptions can be discussed). Attacks deal 4 less damage.

Reset (Anytime):
Torrle can forfeit a turn to erase any conditions or modifiers that were placed on him, essentially making him as he was when the match started, except that his hitpoints will remain unchanged. To do this, he'll need to concentrate, which effectively means that his roll will be a "0" that turn.

Thick Coat (Defense):
Torrle's hide is rather thick, and provides a one-time defense of 2 point versus any physical digestion attack.

Leech (Must be holding his opponent):
If successful, may copy one of his opponent's abilities for 8 rounds. Must wait at least 8 rounds before attempting again.
If wins on 4-10, ability is random.
If wins on 11-18, ability is choice.
If wins on 19+, ability is choice and remains for entire match.
If loses on 1-3, opponent may copy one of Torrle's.

Sexual Moves (Usually in sequences of 3):
With oral, sometimes it may be a similar move if one has a "give oral" move and the other has a "forced oral" move. In this case, the opponent should not receive a penalty if they want to use the corresponding move in response and try to take control. The sequence progresses as long as control does not change, but progress is maintained if control changes. (In the case that a tie is rolled, it's considered a win for both; a mutual effort! :D )

Forced oral:
Torrle brings their head down and start to hump into their mouth!
-- Gives -2 penalty on the first round
-- Gives -4 penalty on the second round
-- Climaxes on the third round, resulting in penalties of -5, -3, and -1 on the next 3 rounds as the taste of him lingers.

Give oral:
Torrle distracts his opponent with a good muzzling to some sensitive spots!
-- Gives -2 penalty on the first round
-- Gives -5 penalty on the second round
-- Induces climax on the third round, resulting in penalties of a permanent -1 as Torrle teases them good.

Torrle pins his opponent and starts to mate with one of their holes!
-- Gives -2 penalty on the first round
-- Gives -5 penalty on the second round
-- Climaxes on the third round, resulting in a stun for 1 round, then penalties of -3, -2, and -1 on the next 3 rounds as they recover.

Shared Moves:
Playing against Torrle automatically lets you use these as if they were one of your own moves.

Size gulp:
Can continue to give oral after climax to try to gulp away the opponent's size! Incurs a -2 to physical rolls each time and lasts for 8 rounds. See Electric Shink for more details.

Soul Drain (Holding phase, non-endpoint vore phases):
If successful, results in a -1 to all rolls for the remainder of the match.

Soul Finisher (After Soul Drain succeeds 4+ times):
Must beat the opponent's roll by 12, to count as a finisher and end the match. If it wasn't high enough, but still beats the opponent's roll, Soul Drain happens and the number to win by will decrease by 2.

Temporary Acquired Moves:

"Mmmmmmm.... nice teeth. Do they work?"

Torrle is an anthro wolf standing about 7' tall on strong, plantigrade legs. He's got a medium build, although it's hard to tell underneath the thick pelt of soft, luxurious light brown fur. Like most wolves his paws are a bit oversized, and his tail is fairly long and bushy, ending in a black tip. He is somewhat stretchy, allowing him to open his jaws extremely wide and stretch his body around others around his size, so he doesn't often have much trouble swallowing someone unless they're larger than he is. Normally invisible, sometimes there's a faint blue aura that can be seen surrounding him.

Being a brat (and a bit of a derp), he loves teasing other preds, even if it often gets him in more trouble than he can handle (he hasn't quite gotten the picture that he's NOT at the top of the food chain). Has been known to sometimes toss friends into the mouths of larger preds just to save of his own hide (or simply for the pleasure of watching them get eaten). Lately, he's been practicing at certain types of magic (TF, petrify, liquefy, phase, cloak), but he's still pretty bad at magic in general.

Today, like most days, he's clad in simple a comfortable pair of athletic shorts, custom made with a hole in the back to let his tail through. He notices your gaze and returns it with a sly wink, licking his nose as he looks you over.

You do note something else.. he smells quite good.

While Torrle will pred from time to time, in general I enjoy seeing Torrle as unlikely prey. I tend to prefer that he didn't eat humans, but some exceptions apply. Soft vore is great and I enjoy hard vore quite a bit as well (but it's really more mood dependant). If you want him as prey, expect a struggle - despite being reckless, Torrle often treats his life like his last, thinking he'd always been lucky up to that point.

That said, it can also be fun to get seduced or coerced into accepting vore, too. Naughty times are welcome (either gender), even if not part of a vore scene. Also, I really rather enjoy footpaws. >.>

I enjoy dynamic character relationships the most, and I like prey that makes effort not to be prey. If you can cleverly supply a motive then I'll most likely act upon it (or tell you one way or another).

And sometimes I just like regular RP and I like trying new things. Chat me up!

(I really should rewrite all this stuff. x3 )

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm flexible, but I generally enjoy being prey more.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Always enjoyed. A good default!
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I need to be in the right mood, but I do enjoy this
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love digestion, but regard it as optional in a scene.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like the sense of finality and closure that fatality brings. Open to tempvore/perma ideas.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike My only preference is that if I eat you, please don't reform on your own right away. If you do, it makes me feel like the scene meant nothing, like I didn't satisfy you. That said, being reformed by the pred with their intent on eating you again right away ... that's really hot to me. *^^*
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike My preference is for digestion/absorption. If endo is a must for you, we can end the scene with us falling asleep together and leaving the rest up to presumption.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like mouths. A lot. *^^*
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is another big love of mine, but I regard it as optional because I know it's quite polarizing for a lot of people. I prefer the soul being too strong to pull out unless first weakened (via sex, vamp, hypno, vore)
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Blob vore, goo furs, QS, paw vore, CTF, sockTF ... yeah, there's a lot of options! (Most of these as prey unless I know you well, please)
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike It's even ok to hit me up for sex only scenes.
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Coughing up clothes, bones, accessories, etc!
Watersports Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gender is irrelevant to me unless we're actually boning. I .. do have mild a preference for guys, in that case.
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I appreciate long posts and will attempt to match the length you give me, BUT... I am a big fan of concise brevity and like keeping the pace going. If posts take forever to receive and write, I'm not going to get anything else done that day.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Try to avoid shorties. Give me something to work with.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Under certain circumstances, you'll be allowed to make temporary changes to this character, especially if you have sinister motives.
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be really fun. :3
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm fine with random whispers, and not picky about how you approach.
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Paws/Feet Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like 'em, I like 'em a lot! :9
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pretty much always up for this!
Size theft Always/Love
Never/Dislike A recent discovery ... and seeming to like this idea the more I see of it.
Tempvore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like the elevated consequence that this brings, although prefer to keep it relatively short or up to some dice rolls.
Perma-teases Always/Love
Never/Dislike Teases are hot. Won't actually do it, though. Temp that looks like perma is fine, though.
Level Drain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Game mechanic. Stealing XP causes a potential loss of levels, and possibly unlearning crucial skills and abilities.