
"Welcome, everypony, to Smoke and Mirror's Travelling Magic Show! Look as closely as you want, fillies and gentlecolts, for when it comes to Magic..."

A grey-furred young unicorn dressed in flashy violet robes and a hat, he certainly presents a striking image, the sort of image he seems to want to last. The younger brother to Mirror, and the second half of the magic show the pair run together. From an early age, he was possessed of a near-photographic memory, and while he lacked the raw magical potential to be accepted into a magical academy, he discovered early on that he had a great talent for very realistic illusions, and more... He absolutely loved being in the spotlight. It was his idea to start performing 'magic tricks' for friends and family, and ultimately his idea as well to turn it into a professional business endeavor. With his illusions and Mirror's excellent skill in conjuration and transmutation, there was very little that the two could not accomplish onstage.

"The closer you look?"

Smoke may enjoy the occasional practical joke, and he can, admittedly, be a bit of an attention horse, but he is at heart still a sweet colt who just loves to give people a good show. He loves his sister dearly, and enjoys making friends while offstage, usually facilitated by some very entertaining illusions he's just whipped up. He's here largely because he followed his sister out of curiosity, but now that he's here, well... He does find himself interested about this whole 'vore' business. He just needs to invest in methods of safety...

"The less you see~"


Alt of Loxagn