The iconic calligraphy of the world’s largest cat has to spread itself out further to cover its largest subspecies, the orange hues faded to old gold this far north so as to better suit the autumn hues of the forest. Where the tiger isn’t striped the brilliant whites of underside, cheeks and face amplify the dramatic contrast of the tiger mask of snow and fire, the pale yellows following the tiger’s flanks and reaching over his head and intensifying towards russet over his muzzle.
There, perched on either side of that bulky muzzle of his were two striking orbs of jade streaked with navy, still capable of the focused intensity of the usual amber eyes but in a less common hue. Besides his eyes the big cat’s sheer size is his most remarkable feature, at 26 feet in length his size is more in common with commercial vehicles than what one might expect from a cat. Even as much as a tiger’s physiology favors length Bitsa will still tower over most at 10 feet tall, the feet the tiger’s standing on would be similarly huge 21 inches across and 17 long enough tread to support even a tiger as large as this.
His demeanor is varied, as often as the focused intensity of a predator sharpening his gaze as the impassive indifference of a feline. Having been born and raised in the wild he carries much of the values and mannerism of a wild tiger with him, though a larger brain, speech and exposure to the ideas of other creatures have further broadened his experience. As such those encountering him should be prepared to expect anything from a ruthless and efficient devouring to a lazy afternoon in the sun relaxing when sharing the tiger’s company, certainly the tiger’s appetite for meat is sufficient to demand the former fairly often.
Note: Unless otherwise arranged ahead of time OOCly the player will presume that this full range of possible outcomes is acceptable to those approaching Bitsa.
The tiger might find himself convinced to more intimate activity, although a heavy preference towards fellow quadruped felines is certainly there he won’t necessarily reject other approaches immediately, though care is often required in approaching such a subject to insure a favorable outcome. This is because while he certainly can find pleasure in sexual activity it is not the pleasure that he pursues but the opportunity to mate with an appropriate partner and so insure there are more tigers.
No, there’s no sliders, if you’re interested in a giant quadrupedal tiger feel free to PM me and we’ll see how things go. PMs are welcome but unlikely to immediately result in RPs, this is particularly true with the first PM being IC, finding out at least whether there’s the time and desire to RP is preferable. Contact through PM to arrange for a public RP in the chat as that's a preferred setting, messengers are available after some play has occurred to get to know one and other. In public approaches are welcome though the previous note on possible outcomes should be considered carefully.
Cat-nom-mancy noun
1. The magic of turning cats into other sorts of cats through nomming.
Catnomancy starts simple and ends feline, Bitsa eats someone, usually a feline and then helps reform them but as a cost he takes liberties with what sort of cat they end up as once they reform. Usual parameters are species, binary sex ( alt-sex options can be activated on request ), binary quad/anthro ( alt forms can be activated on request ) and size. Some guidance from players can be provided on the range of possibilities but dice tend to make the ultimate decision.
His name is russian for 'bear killer' thanks to his habit of preying upon bears after they killed a few cubs of a tigress of his, sired by him.
English = Russian = Transliteration = Prononciation
Bear Killer = Убийца Медведя = Ubijtza Medved' = Oobeeytza myedvyed
Bitsa Medz = ???? ???? = Bitsa Medz = Beetsa Myedz