
Shawshank, born in a prison between two convicts, he was placed into the foster system early on in life, and grew up a troubled child. Bigger than all the others, and lacking friends, he soon grew into a sort of bully, and then from there, began committing petty crimes, and looked as though he would end up like his parents, until Kaiser found him. Noting the fish's great size, he ivited the male to come take a job as security for the dragon's band, where he could legally be violent to people who attempted to interupt or even harm the band members. It wasn't too long after that he hit it off with the band's drummer, an anklyosaurus who was larger than even he, but insecure and submissive to a fault when someone really got to know him. The two soon began dating, and have shared a happy relationship for 4 years now.

A Kaiser alt.