
NAME: Shawn O’Cianan
AGE: 25
SPECIE: Fennec-naga
HAIR: Black & Red
EYES: Turquoise & Brown
HEIGHT: 6’1”
LENGTH: 13’5”
WEIGHT: 450 lbs approx.
BUILD: Average

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
OCCUPATION: Clerk/Heavy Lifter
at a store’s warehouse
LIKES: Videogames, sci-fi and fantasy books (and in general), exotic animals and sour candies
DISLIKES: Extreme dirtiness, blood & gore, being ignored and spiders

POSSESSIONS: Laptop, handheld console, watch (broken), backpack, several outfits (tops only), a pair of shoes and a collection of hats.

CURRENT HOME: Rented apartment, 3 rooms and a bathroom.

VORE ROLE: Predator

Shawn was born from the union of a lamia (snake-naga) father and fennec mother within the confines of a secluded naga sanctuary. As a hatchling/pup, the fennec-naga grew outside the influence of civilization aside from what his mother would tell him about while telling him stories from where she came from or when she read him stories from books. His father believed that technology corrupted one’s mind and firmly believed, like his people, that magic was the way to go and so he taught Shawn all about the magic the sanctuary’s shaman could do. Unluckily for the fennec-naga, he was told that he didn’t inherit his father’s magical abilities in his lamia blood. That didn’t stop Shawn from being passionate about it and learning about it as much as he could.

As he grew up, Shawn was more and more tempted to leave the sanctuary and start a new life somewhere else. During his teenage years, he felt secluded in his village, living with his parents even though he loved them greatly. When Shawn finally reached the age where he could get the permission to leave the sanctuary, he packed his meager possessions which consisted mainly of food and a few trinkets and kissed his parents goodbye. He promised that he would come back should things not work out, but that they needed not to worry if he didn’t as it would mean he had found his own place. He told them that if he was able to, once settled down, he’d visit them once in a while. The separation was full of emotions, both good and bad, but the overall mood was positive.

Living off the land, as he was taught by the shamans of the sanctuary, Shawn stumbled upon many villages and towns before reaching his first city. He discovered for the first time technology in real life instead of from pictures in books and his mother’s words. He was fascinated by it as it was another kind of magic to him that he could possess as it wasn’t something that needed to be inherited. To be able to get some of it, he took odd jobs here and there, never very good at them, but not especially bad either. Eventually, he was able to afford his most prized possession, a handheld console and a few games.

After wasting several days worth of work gaming all day and night long, Shawn finally realized that technology could be as dangerous as magic when it came to the power it had on you. Now without money to eat or pay for a place to stay, the naga had to work several jobs at once to catch up with the lost time and be able to live off like how he was used to now. After several straining days, the naga had come back to his normal routine, even though it had started to grow stale on him. He wanted his own place and a stable job. Moving once more, he found a quiet little place, near a park, with a strange aura to it that made him love it at first sight. He found the perfect apartment and knew that he could settle down here and so he did. After picking up a job as clerk in a store, he was soon assigned to the warehouse, where his strong snake lower body could lift boxes like they were feathers and where Shawn could do the job of a machine or the equivalent of several workers. And that is when Shawn started living his own life.

The first impression someone would get of Shawn when observed in his free time is that the naga is a lazy guy that loves to waste his life away on electronic devices or by reading books endlessly. They wouldn’t be very far from the truth as the naga indeed loves to be a couch potato when nothing interesting happens in his life. Still, the fennec-naga will also occasionally spend some of his days off hanging around in different locations as the thrill to meet new people is something that Shawn enjoys a lot.

Once you get to know Shawn, though, he becomes a much more interesting character, aside from the fact that he is quite the hybrid specie. When Shawn has met a new person, he will quickly become more active. Friendly and outgoing, the naga will gladly accept invitations to activities if they interest him(which they rarely don’t) and he will enjoy talking about himself, his origins and what he has learned recently in books and newspaper (tidbits and interesting facts). Shawn isn’t all about himself either as he will be very happy to learn about his new acquaintance and will try to make a new friend, if they seem open to the relationship.

When it comes to more serious matters, the fennec-naga is a hard working individual and will apply himself a hundred percent to the task at hand while trying to get it done as perfectly as possible in a reasonable time frame. Always positive, it is a rare sight to see Shawn unhappy to be working or to be doing something else for someone. The fennec-naga will also always choose to help someone, when he can, if he notices they could use his help and will be the kind of person to offer his help, wanted or not, in almost every situation.

Even though Shawn sounds like a pretty awesome guy, overall, he’s not perfect. Shawn sometimes has issues trusting himself and when he does, he will tend to ask questions he knows the answer to. He sometimes shows an inability with social interactions by changing subject to something unrelated if he has nothing to add to the conversation at that moment. The fennec-naga also has issues with relationship cues, meaning he considers almost any friendly individuals as friends, any persons who seems to care for him as good friends and yet, will miss any not obvious cues of love interest if a woman flirt with him subtly.

If one was to see Shawn for the first time, they’d notice one of two things. The first option would be the fact that Shawn has mismatched eyes. His right eye has a deep sea turquoise color and his left is brown. The second option would most likely be the fact that Shawn has a giant snake lower body instead of legs. Shawn’s overall build is pretty much average, so he isn’t especially muscular, thin or chubby. If he was a normal fennec, Shawn would lean more toward an agile build. When he’s standing, or in a normal stance, the fennec-naga has a height of 6’1” and a length of 13’5”. He can use up to almost half his snake length as “legs” to make him taller. .

Shawn’s upper body is one of a fennec. Covered in light grey fur baring a tuft of black fur growing on his chest, his agile, lightly-built upper body, wears no tattoo or piercings and doesn’t have distinguishable features such as broad shoulders or large chest. On his head grows thick black hair that Shawn combs all on one side while keeping a lock of it dark red using tincture. The tips of his ears are naturally black as well. His eyes are mismatched in color, the right one being dark turquoise and the other being brown. Shawn’s skin, under his fur, is a dark pink and his nose is black. His flesh is blood red colored.

At hips level, Shawn body transforms into one of a snake. Larger and stronger, his snake lower half has a light green underbelly with dark green scales covering everywhere else. On the back of his snake half, blood red markings can be found. They consist in circles, usually between 3 to 7 depending on location that are symmetrical and they start large and grow smaller as they reach the side of the under belly. While Shawn’s upper body is of average strength, his snake lower body is extremely strong as it has the strength of a snake the same size. It can lift several times an average human’s weight and can constrict just like a snake would. The tail is fully prehensible.

S hawn’s biology is both similar and different to his natural specie counterparts. Aside from the disparity of muscles between his upper and lower body, Shawn inherited the age lifespan of his father which is several hundred years old before death by old age is something remotely possible. His growth, though, is governed by his fennec blood and so he appears 25 years old because he is 25 years old. It has been estimated that since he has reached adulthood now, his features will age way more slowly than during his growth, essentially making him look young for a long time.

T he upper body of the fennec-naga contains the organs normally found in a normal anthro fennec which means he has a heart, stomach, spleen, liver, ..., and the beginning of a intestine that leads in his lower body. The only effective organ that the naga is missing in his upper body is lungs which are present, but are barely functioning. His humanoid heart manages the blood found in his upper body and his digestive system up to the intestine works as intended aside from the fact the nutrients are sent in the lower body’s intestins or stomach which Shawn can control more or less as it is the size of the food after leaving his first stomach that decides if it goes directly in the intestins of the lower body or in its stomach. All Shawn can do is purge his stomach whenever he wants into the next step of digestion. On a big meal, Shawn can turn off his stomach, turning it is essentially an oesophagus chamber that pushes food downward into the larger, lower body’s stomach for actual digestion. Shawn can also let his first stomach digest a small snack and when it is send downward, the small size of it will make it take an alternate part directly into the lower body’s intestins.

The snake half of the fennec-naga contains the lungs that are actually used to bring oxygen to the whole body as well as the full organs found in snakes. The lower half’s heart takes care of the blood flow for the snake half. Shawn can also control the digestive system of his lower half, but unlike his upper half, he cannot turn it off fully. After training on his own for several months, the best he managed to do was slow the digestion process to such a crawl that it can only digest very soft materials that do not rejuvenate over the span of several days. Clothes of natural fabric will be affected as well as fur, hair and to an extent nails and hooves as those are made of dead cells that do not possess the capacity to rejuvenate themselves unlike skin, flesh and bones, but since it over the span of several days, only minor damage will happen to such, if it is Shawn’s desires, that is.

At the connection between Shawn’s upper and lower body, in his groing area, one can find two slits called cloaka that seem to form a single, thin and long one. In those hidden pockets, two reptilian penises can be found which are a bit thinner than a humanoid penis at the tip and a bit thicker at the base, but they work just the same. They are of average length when erect and overall average size as well. They retract inside his body when not erect. Shawn’s testicles are also within his snake body and are never revealed. One could maybe feel them if they inserted a finger in the lower cloaka or by pressing deeply a few inches down the cloaka through the underbelly of the snake lower half.

After a long and tedious search to find the perfect place to live in, Shawn was almost to the point where he was going to choose to live in a cave or a hole. That is when he came across an apartment that had been built for the use of a wheelchair. It had large door frames, large rooms for freedom of movement as well as a large elevator to reach the floor it was on. Shawn rented the place, using his salary and requested that all the stuff he wouldn’t use be removed, for example the handle bars to get out of the bath for someone that has paralyzed legs. After the small modifications were made, Shawn obtained the permission to install a larger bath in the bathroom, going for something large and deep similar to a Jacuzzi. The overall theme of the apartment is a teenager hanging spot, with posters of music bands, video games, movies and the occasional pin-up pictures. The general apartment’s color scheme is black, white and grey with a few red accents here and there.

When one enters the apartment, they would find themselves standing in a small entrance hallway that leads directly into the kitchen that also serves as a dining room. On the left, they would find a walk-in wardrobe and on the right, a door that would lead to the bathroom. Stepping forward, the person would reach the kitchen and dining room as one room. On the right after stepping out of the entrance hallway, one would find the kitchen counters and appliances and on the left, the dining room with a table and chairs. Moving forward, between the dining room and kitchen, the person would reach an open door frame without a door and step inside another hallway. Looking left, they would see another open doorframe on the right and that would lead to the living room. It would be the only room in that direction. Looking on the right, there would be two actual doors. On the right would be a door that leads to the same bathroom as the one from the entrance. On the left would be a door to the fennec-naga’s bedroom.

The kitchen/dining room would contain, in the kitchen area, a oven, a microwave, a coffee maker, a fridge as well as a trashcan, several cabinets that would serve as counters and a few drawers. In the cabinets, one would find the basic tools of a kitchen, such as a blender and in the drawers, they could find spoons, forks, knives and such. In the dining room area, one would find a medium, rectangle, wooden table that would be able to seat 6 people, but only 4 chairs would be placed around the table. Two of those would be placed at each extremity and the remaining two on the farthest side of the table in relation to the kitchen. The open side of the table would be used by Shawn as he would sit on his coils to his rather than use the very uncomfortable chairs due to his body-type. The entrance closet would be pretty empty, containing only a few coats and a single pair of shoes.

The living room would contain a couch that would look rather brand new as the naga barely used it in favor for a cluster of beanbags placed together in the same fashion as a big beanbag mattress that shows already lots of use. Both the couch and the cluster of beanbags would face toward a corner of the room where one can see a TV stand with a 24 inches sitting on it to which a gaming console is plugged. Against the wall in the opposite side of the room, one would find a computer desk with a laptop on it, a round chair(think those egg shaped chairs) that seems to be useable by a naga with a bookshelf next to it that is half full of random books, especially of the sci-fi and fantasy genre. The computer desk would have two drawers. One would contain trinkets while the other would contain a handheld console, its games and several spare batteries.

The bathroom would have a small hallway if one arrived from the entrance. Once in the actual bathroom, one would find a toilet, a single cabinet with a sink built-in containing cleaning supplies and a first aid kit. On top of the sink, there would be a medicine cabinet with a mirror on it that would contain mainly scissors, combs, hair tincture and a few medicine containers such as pain killers, antacids, aspirin and such. Next to that would be a bigger-than-usual bath with could be compared to a jaccuzi in terms of size and depth or a miniature pool. The bath would also have a hanging shower head on the wall, should one want to take a shower instead of a bath.

The bedroom would be the warmest place in the apartment with a mobile heater unit almost constantly working to keep the room a few degrees hotter than everywhere else. The bed itself is a large round bed with pillows scattered on it and mismatched large blankets of different fabrics laying on it. If one was to visit the bedroom, they would realize that this bed may have been neatly made when it was brought in the room, but that was the last time things were neatly placed on it. The room would also contain a wardrobe filled with shirts, T-shirts and other tops as well as a collection of hats. The room would also contain a chest, a writing desk with no chair with sheets of paper, pens and pencils in its drawers and a dresser. On the writing desk, it would be possible to find a broken watch. In the chest, one would find board games mainly plus pictures and other souvenirs of his early life.

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Shawn the fennec-naga by me

Shawn the fennec-naga by Tiera Foxglove

Shawn the fennec-naga by Ruaidri

Shawn the fennec-naga by Vorelord

R oleplaying with me entails following a few rules that might deter some of you, but please don’t be afraid to approach me even though you might not be a perfect match to these rules. If you have issues with one or more of these rules, I can and will try to help you out if you ask me. Instead of refusing to RP with someone who isn’t as verbose as me, I’d rather help them improve to become as verbose as me, if they wish to.

The average size of an answer to a roleplay post should be a few lines long at a minimum unless the roleplay is at a point where it is acceptable to post one liners, like when two characters are saying good bye or if absolutely nothing is happening and there is not much to explain. It can also happen from time to time that one is at a lack of inspiration and I can understand that. Constant one liners will put a pause to our roleplay and it will be on hold until we fix the problem.

The average quality of an answer to a roleplay post should include a reaction to a previous post or the setting the post is in if it is the entry post to a roleplay. It should also include the feelings, the thoughts and anything else relevant to the character about what is currently happening in the roleplay. Finally, the post should also contain an action and/or dialogue to which I can react to and answer to in my own post. A roleplay is a two persons’ job and should normally be a 50-50 control scheme unless agreed otherwise. Being passive all the time make it really hard for me to enjoy the roleplay as I have to do everything to make the story go forward. At certain points in the roleplay, it is normal to go in a passive stance though, like when you’re eaten, as there isn’t much you can do at that point, but you can still squirm around, rub, talk/try to talk, thrash about and what not.

The average quality of grammar and orthograph should at least be readable. I understand that we aren’t all native English speaker as I am French myself. Try to put a little effort in capitalizing the first letter of a sentence as well as your “I” first person pronouns without forgetting your punctuations like comas to separate part of a sentence or a dot at the end. I can deal with weird syntaxes and I can deal with not-so-well written words once in a while, but please try to put a little effort when you type so it feels like you actually care about the roleplay instead of making it feel like you don’t give a crap about your answers like you only want mine so only yourself can enjoy the roleplay and not me.

Approaching me in character is okay, but expect me to either answer you out of character or downright refuse the roleplay. Even when I am Looking For Roleplay, it doesn’t mean I’ll accept every and any roleplay offered. While I tend to be open minded and generally accept most roleplay offers, sometimes, I can be looking for something in particular or a type of character in particular.

Non-canon/grab and gulp roleplays are something that I can do, but tend not to enjoy as they are short, less serious and they don’t contribute to my enjoyment as they don’t contribute to the storyline of my character. I am here to roleplay a story and while I enjoy vore and will include it in my stories, I can’t roleplay a fetish for the sake of roleplaying a fetish. Think of the storyline leading to vore like the foreplay to sex. Without leading up to vore, it becomes dry for me.

Played under A_Thousand_Alts
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike If I do it, I prefer painless and goreless. Fade to black is even better. Would rather not do it or imply it otherwise.
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can't do as pred, but will do if gender swapped.
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Clean only
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can't do as pred, but will do if gender swapped.
Soul Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not because it is at 100 that it will happen. Mood needs to be there in and out of the RP.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Non-permanent, absolutely!
Permanent, ask first!
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Coils! <3
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ask me. I got weird tastes in this category.
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Magical and sentient only!
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Will try and match my partner's length
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike It depends on the length of my answers. I type as fast as I can.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be fun once in a while.
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike To RP, to chat or whatever, go ahead! You'll never bother me.
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love