
Selene was just an ordinary wild Absol wandering around the forest when she caught wind of certain Pokemon being able to "Mega Evolve"...Knowing that an Absol is a Pokemon able to Mega Evolve, she wanted to try it herself...When she found a Trainer with a Key Stone and Absolite and asked for their help, they agreed, even agreeing to not catch her. After she'd tried it...then reverted to normal after a while, the Trainer let her keep the Absolite. Selene decided that she liked the mane style of Mega Absol and wanted to have it even when she's NOT Mega Evolved, so she went to find a Pokemon groomer, and now, she has that mane style. While she didn't let the Trainer that gave her the Absolite catch her, she's still looking for a nice Trainer that she can get along with to catch her.

Trainer:None yet...

Selene also has a little Raichu following her around. She doesn't really have a name yet, and all anyone knows about her is that she's a wild Raichu whom Selene rescued. Nobody really seems to know just what Selene rescued her from besides the two of them. Just like Selene, she's looking for a Trainer to protect her, but at the same time, she doesn't want to be separated from Selene, so she wants to make sure that they're caught by the same Trainer.