
”In music, passions enjoy themselves. Join me in the fun or hit the road, Jack.”

Samira the colorful lizard

A blue-tailed female skink stands before you and much like the animal she shares her specie with, she is kind of small with a height of 5’6 and a weight of 120 lbs which could be considered light weight in most cultures. While Samira doesn’t consider her small frame to be a disadvantage, some might, so that is why she also shares some great traits with her specie. She can regenerate lost limbs, especially her tail. She is also quite quick on her feet and her reflexes are up there with her agility. Finally, she can also be quite flexible when she needs it. The only real downside is that she’s cold-blooded, but her symptoms, when cold, are not as heavy as her animal counterpart.

Samira has a light frame with only enough curves to be considered sexy by some. Her breast size would be considered in the B cup, her hips are defined, but not prominent and her ass is far from plump. When standing, the only two things she knows can make a man melt are her stunningly long legs as well as her wonderful colors, but that is just when she’s standing, because being a skink, Samira is highly sensitive to vibrations and music, being full of it, is to her what catnip can be to felines. Under a good beat, and after years of dancing to quench her passion, Samira will always stand a chance to steal the show on a dance floor with her graceful moves.

Naturally attracted to music, Samira will almost always be found where it plays: Clubs, disc stores, karaoke bar and even raves. Because of this behavior, she developed her personality to be highly outgoing, confident and friendly. Strangers are always one more opportunity to have some fun and not always only on the dance floor. Being out in the crowds also gave the skink a sense of cautiousness and while she’ll play innocent and cute for her own amusement, she’s far from naive and will smell danger when it comes at her unless it is highly hidden. Outside of music, the skink will enjoy all sort of activities, ranging from outdoor activities such as swimming to more relaxing ones such as watching a movie or reading. She’s very open-minded and will also give a chance to anything new at least once.

”Life isn’t always fair, but there’s always a way to make it fun. Take a sad song and make it better!”

From the egg to the upbeat gal she is today.

Samira was born in a middle-class family with parents who wanted the best for their children. Raised with 2 older brothers and a younger sister, Samira found herself in need of her parents’ attention as a child. While she was raised properly by her parents and they never forgot to praise her or scold her according to what she did or achieved, the young skink always felt like her oldest brother and her younger sister were her parents’ favorite. One day, when she came back from school, she walked by band who were playing out in the streets using trashcans, bottles and such recycled instruments to make themselves known and to advertise for a better environment through recycling. The young girl just couldn’t resist the beat and started dancing rather clumsily. Normally, a child would most likely be deterred by laughter from others, but Samira knew then and there that dance was her passion through music.

Her parents couldn’t afford a dance school if they wanted to be able to send all of their children to actual school, so Samira worked in her neighborhood to get enough to pay for her dance classes, but she was so young that she couldn’t find herself a job that paid enough for what she wanted. Luckily for the young girl, a neighbor, an old tiger, who saw her work hard asked her why she was doing so and once it was explained to him, the aged feline happily filled what the young girl lacked in money to get into the closest dance school. At the time, the young girl was about 14 years old. She had fulfilled her first dream and now, fueled by the need to become the spotlight in her parents’ eyes, she trained and worked hard to improve her skills.

Once older, as a teenager, she was hired by a troupe to dance on stage at different kind of events. She was hired by different more-or-less known groups to be a background dancer and she often took part of plays where dancers where required. If Samira didn’t need the money, she’d have accepted to be part of every event she was ever hired or invited to, for any reasons to dance was sufficient for her and she enjoyed every bit of it. At this point in her life, she had realized already that she always was in her parents’ spotlight and so were all her siblings, but now she wanted to perfect her art. She had moved out of her parents’ house to follow the troupe that was now her new family. If asked, these years were the most difficult to her as money was scarce and she sometimes had to live where she could rather than where she wanted, but all that dancing made for the best memories she’s ever had.

As a young adult now, Samira has felt the need to become slightly more serious and settle down. She hasn’t and will never forget her roots and music is still part of her, as important as her blood is, but now that she has been to many places and seen many things, she needs to face the music of life and be serious, at least for 8 hours a day. Settling down in a modest apartment in small city, the skink now works as waitress in a nightclub so she can at least have fun while working, but she has put dancing on the backburner as way to make a living. You’ll still find her on the dance floor the moment her uniform is off.

”My heart beats to the rhythm of the music. There might be a day where it beats for someone else. There is someone for me somewhere.”

A friendly gal with a sharp tongue.

If it wasn’t already obvious in the previous lines, Samira is a fun and friendly female lizard. She is the kind of gal that will consider someone a new friend in a snap of fingers. Since she’s grown amongst huge crowds, she’s quite outgoing so it is easy to figure that she must have as many people she considers friends as you might have as friends on facebook. Wherever she’s ever been, she’s always left a positive image of an upbeat girl with a smile on her face and devilish moves on the dance floor. Unless someone makes the first move or if her budget is limited, the skink will not be afraid to offer a drink to someone just to have someone to talk to, to dance with and rarely, to bring home with her.

The more serious Samira is someone few have ever met. Back at home or in a more private, the female lizard is a more relaxed gal who will enjoy a good read next to a running fireplace. When it comes to actual friends, or good friends, that is something the skink has in a more reasonable number. A good friend for Samira is someone she considers for something else than a onetime night of fun. She will hang out with a good friend and go out with them when she feels like it or when she’s invited. Outside of her passion, the lizard girl is quite a bit down-to-earth and quite a bit more serious than her public self.

Deep down, Samira has several personality flaws though. Being able to share a little of trust over a large amount of people make it so she has huge issues fully trusting anybody. Finding an actual best friend would be hard for her so she tends to avoid the subject and she tends to “keep a foot in the door” when it comes to very serious relationships. She often dreams of finding the perfect someone, but she knows that she tends to push away any and all out of fear of being hurt or being wrong. Speaking of which, Samira always tend to act like she owns the place, but much like many others, she has issues trusting herself, so her confidence seems high while it tends to be low. Her worst fear is that one day, this life that she lives will all come crashing down on her even though there isn’t a single sign for it.

”I live wildly and fully, but survive humbly and modestly. I think you will find when your death take its toll that all the money you made will never buy back your soul.”

A modest apartment in a small city with little hoard of treasures

Samira is currently renting a modest apartment in a small city. It contains a bathroom, a kitchen merged with a dining room, a living room and a bedroom. It is decorated with an assortment of music bands, movies and exotic locations posters. The whole place is painted in a modern black, grey and white style with mainly white, black tiles for floor and grey rug. The apartment is on the second floor of the building and it feels a bit cramped in terms of space once Samira has filled it with modern, non-expensive furniture. Among the things that stand out is her black fake leather couch and the assorted black fake leather beanbag chair in the living room. The only truly expensive item in the place is her sound system and the impressive collection of music discs next to it for obvious reasons.

The kitchen and dining room is rather cramped and small. There is just enough storage space in the cupboards for the bare necessities of cooking and eating. There is only the length of a cutting board space on the countertop as they hold the toaster, the microwave and the coffee maker. The kitchen also holds a fridge that came with the apartment and an oven. The dining room part contains a small rectangle wooden table with one larger side against the wall and the opposite side holding two wooden chairs as well.

The living room holds a small TV stand with a small, square TV on it. Next to the stand, a sound system with two speakers stands proudly with a CD stand towering over it full of music discs of all kinds. Facing the TV is a black fake leather couch and next to that couch, a beanbag chair of the same color and material. Against the wall next to the door, a small library holding a very small collection of books stands there. The area between the couch and the wall where the library stands has been kept open enough for someone to dance somewhat freely. A rug has been set on the floor at this location and it seems well used. One of the only rooms with windows.

The bathroom is the smallest room of the whole place. It is so cramped, that the door can’t be opened if two people stand side by side in the room without stepping in the bath. It contains a simple bath, a toilet, a single counter holding a sink and a medicine cabinet with a mirror on the doors of it.

The bedroom is most likely the most unusual room of them all as it contains no bed per say. Samira preferred to buy several pillows of all kinds of materials and colors and place them over a large mattress placed directly on the ground. Several blankets are scattered over this little nest of hers and while it is possibly the most dust-gathering bed ever, it is so comfortable and snug that all of you are jealous. It also contains a small dresser and a closet with her outfits stored in them. She has a small desk which serves all sort of purposes, but mainly holds her other possessions, such as her music player and a headset, the current book she’s reading and her wallet. One can guess that in the two drawers, there might be paper, pencils and pens and such, but who knows. The only other room with windows.

More pictures!

Played under A_Thousand_Alts
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As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Clean only and only if non-fatal.
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Clean only!
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not because it is 100% that it will happen. The mood needs to be there so the RP must be good.
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Non-permanent, absolutely!
Permanent, ask first!
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike A little, maybe. Fountain, no.
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ask me. I got weird tastes in this category.
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sentient or magical only please.
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Will try and match my partner's length
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike It depends on the length of my answers. I type as fast as I can.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be fun once in a while
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike To RP, to chat or whatever, go ahead! You'll never bother me.
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love