Samira is a rare exemplar of her species, A true herm, unlike most other females, her shaft and sac are fully functional for reproduction, instead of just a lure for males. As such, Samira's behaviour isn't typical of all females, more of a mix of male and female attributes with a very dominant streak, being the alpha female of her region has only fuelled this more so.
Rather than the usual solitary life of most females, Samira has pair bonded with her son Kaelan, taking the role of male and female in his life, both loving and abusive, with a strong motherliness towards him, she's ensured he's not exactly an average male.~
Samira also happens to be the Self proclaimed Empress of her species, gaining her power through Revika's help. Not only forging a political alliance with the Empire the Vixen represents, but forging a personal relation to Revika as well. Samira Primarily governs over 5 star systems within a close cluster, her home system Zeiophine lying in the center, so named for the first sentient race that was sired therein.
Samira also governs 3 other races native to Zeiophine Prime, the Dross, a shark-like race of aquatic creatures, Verroth another fish-like species, and Ixxith, a dragon-like amphibious species similar to the Zeioph themselves, but much more wild and outside of the Zeiophine society.
Despite being fully part of Revika's Empire, the Zeiophine system retains absolute autonomy under the rule of Samira, Morva and Resiline, as a benefit of her engagement to Revika, Samira has sovereignty over the entirety of Revika's empire as well, though likewise, Revika has the same sway with Samira's domain, keeping the two in check with eachother.
Before Revika's Intervention with Samira's homeworld , Samira had started a campaign to unify all the cities and tribes into one nation under her control. Samira succeeded with minimal bloodshed, using diplomacy and charm where she could and luring others into willingly calling her their empress, in situations where such charms would not work, however, Samira was ruthless.
By the time the empire discovered and intervened to uplift the Zeiophine species, 90% of the planet was under allegiance to Samira, and with the help of Revika, the other 10% quickly fell in line, Sometime after agreeing to unite with the empire, Revika and Samira entered into a marriage, bringing their two empires together so they could rule both together, side by side.
This of course brought Kaelan, Samira's son and partner into the mateship. Currently Revika and Samira are still mated, and each focus on their own empires to divide the workload, though they do frequently consult one another, particularly on matters that concern both parts working together.
Zeioph history is interwoven with the other races of their homeworld, as a multiracial society the Zeiophine species thrived even before the empire uplifted them. Roughly 40 or so years before Revika's Empire discovered the Zeiophine races. Since their uplifting by the Empire, the Zeioph have coincided with them for well over 5 centuries.
Biologically speaking, the Zeioph species is unique, structured around a highly caustic and basic environment, their body chemistry and PH is balanced similarly. Most bodily fluids contain high amounts of Lye and other bases, enough to cause considerable damage to normal life after extended contact without washing.
Zeioph Use their caustic nature to hunt, dissolve their prey both inside and outside their bodies, and most importantly (to them at least) their production of caustic materials and exotic micro organisms and enzymes allows them to slowly terraform their environment as they live in it. Polluting their surroundings with secretions from their bodies and waste over time until it suits their likes.
Zeioph communicate via auditory means in the lower Hz band, even right down into infrasound, and can hear sounds through the full spectrum of sounds, both in and out of the water. Though 50% of their communication is done via the color of their luminosity and body language, making it a hard language for other species to understand or communicate back in. Fortunately Zeioph are quite intelligent, able to learn most sentient languages given time, though speaking them is another thing entirely.
Zeioph Eyesight is also quite keen, designed to see in all the spectrums of light, from IR to UV, and furthermore, able to project a directed, ordered beam of UV and IR from the iris, enabling them to see in total darkness actively.
Zeioph enjoy an extremely long and theoretically uncapped lifespan, continuing to steadily grow over it, though given time they usually far outgrow their environment's ability to support them and die of starvation, faced with this, many larger Zeioph choose to end their own life when starvation looks imminent, thus massively boosting the environmental changes as their body breaks down into the environment.
It's not to say Zeiophs can't continue living, should they end up somewhere that can sustain their dietary needs; many find themselves lone super predators on worlds with large oceans and abundant food, gorging and growing without limits.
Zeioph breeding is also quite unique, taking place between 3 partners, all of which make a genetic contribution, though the one of the three who carries the young surprisingly makes the smallest contribution. When it's time to breed females will seek out a Pair bond to breed and inseminate them.
For the most part, Pair bonds are formed by two males, though in some circumstances, herms and even females form pair bonds as well. During the breeding season a female or herm will attract a pair bond, most females ovulate eggs with no genes inside, instead taking the seed of a male (or rarely herm)pair.
The design of the female genitals is designed to accommodate two shafts together, cradling them separately and milking both to ensure pregnancy. Females also possess a false male-hood for attracting the males, since most are more attracted to the smell of a strong male. Fig 1; Female genitals Fig 2; Zeipoh female
It is rare, but some females do end up with a functioning maleness, these rarer specimens are how more females are produced, pairing up with others to add female chromosomes to the mix which will result in female offspring, male pairs will only produce males, while females and males produce a variety, and full female groups have a high chance to produce female breeders.
Zeioph Digestion is rather unique, their gut is short, and needs to pass food through twice or more to make the best use of it. Food is softened and churned in the stomach with powerful bases to soften and break it down, the stomach also contains most of the villi for absorption of nutrients.
The lower gut comes right after the stomach, within this toothed track of strong muscled flesh softened food is shredded and pulverized into thick paste as it's squeezed and crushed by powerful peristalsis. After the lower gut is the bowel, the upper bowel has long tendril like villi that extract nutrients and moisture from the food, while the rest of the bowel has powerful bacteria to help ferment and break down the leftovers.
Once their guts are finished with a meal, Zeiophs pass it out, and re-eat it, usually you'll find many different meals together in their system all on different numbers of pass through, sometimes things eaten by a Zeioph pass through their guts hundreds of times, until entirely absorbed, or pulverized to dust, in the case of things they cannot dissolve.
Waste eating is very normal for Zeiophs, they're used to the musky, harsh taste, though often thanks to their liking of sweet fruit and high fibre foods, their wastes aren't so terrible, or really waste, not to them at least, until it's fully used up, it's still food, meaning a good way to feed a hungry Zeioph is with your bowels.~
Samira and Her son by Sukebe |
Samira's guts by Sukebe |
Samira Emptying his guts by Sukebe |
Samira's Character sheet by Sukebe |
Samira is reclusive and keeps mostly to her home system and domain, mingling with the largest of her kind, and the other massive creatures of Zeiophine. Samira is quite intelligent, but don’t mistake her intelligence for her being like a person, Samira doesn’t value the rules of society or rights, first and foremost she’s a monster, a wild creature. Samira lives in the wilds, hunts to eat, kills to defend her territory and acts for self preservation and pleasure foremost, though Samira does know how society works on a more basic level, but prefers to be wild most of the time.
Samira is sentient, she might understand other species and creatures, but their morals and values don’t affect her thoughts, she’s not just a mildness predator, but she’s not the sort you can try and make ‘civilized’ either, her species could in theory become a sophisticated and cultured one, but for the most part they’re more happy as intelligent monsters.
Zeioph for the most part are very wild creatures, but despite their feral nature they possess a high aptitude for intelligence, making them very deadly predators. When it comes to social structure, Females generally take a dominant role, though unless breeding males avoid females.
Socially, Zeioph males bond with another male as lovers, and when it's time to breed will seek out, or be found by a female who will court them, the trio usually does not stick together for a variety of reasons, but occasionally groups of three do stay permanently mated.
Despite their predatory nature, Zeioph love fruits, often craving the sweet and juicy tropical fruits of their homeworld, it's also notable that they seek out high fibre vegetation as well to make up much of their diet, along with a healthy portion of fish or other protein.
Culturally, Zeioph are the most primitive species on their homeworld, but their high intelligence does allow them to live in society with the other species, commonly Zeioph who live within the mixed society with Dross and Veroth take up hunter and forager roles.
Around the time of Imperial discovery, the culture on Zeiophine Prime was undergoing a major shift, Samira, one of the eldest, largest and most intelligent Zeioph was making a move and unifying the scattered tribes and cities of the 4 intelligent species into an empire of her own.
Current Zeioph culture emulates Imperial culture closely, thanks to the role the empire played in assuring Samira's place as empress of her kind, honour, warriorship, and a socialist viewpoint prevail through the modern Zeiophine culture for all the intelligent races theirin.
More to come later
All art used comissioned by and made specifically for the player, credit goes to the respective artists for their work.
I'm sort of shy about playing in public, and easily get deterred by being rejected in public, if you don't like something I'm doing with you in public, or don't think our prefs will mesh well, please talk to me in private (don't don't spurn me in public) and I'll back off. I'm not half as bad as my characters might, and I'm very flexible pref wise.
Played by Thanotalgos