
A character from Narokwi

  • He's a fire elemental entity, capable of growth, shrinking, form shifting, and so on at will. When under strain he can stretch considerably before tearing, but even when ripped there's simply edges of sputtering fire than blood or gore, and he can knit back together. He emits a variable but considerable amount of heat and is weakened when exposed to fluids or when bereft of fresh air.

  • At about four feet and six inches tall, Rylar is not a very imposing figure. Far from it, in fact, as his frame is slender and almost feminine. He might seem delicate at first but a discerning eye can pick up the subtle signs of toned muscle hidden beneath his fur. A good way to describe his build would be "graceful."

  • His fur is all white. Top to bottom and front to back it is a uniform color reminiscent of freshly fallen snow. He keeps it immaculately clean and always freshly brushed. It feels like silk when one runs their hands through it, smooth and cool, parting around the fingers easily. He is capable of giving the psuedo flame stuff that his body is made of a scent and flavor as well, and tends to favor that of a moderately spicy barbeque sauce, tangy and sweet. Yes, he is a willing prey that is doing his best to be appealing to predators.

  • Those grass colored eyes of his hold a few subtle expressions. Gazing into them gives one the impression that while the body may be young the soul inside is old and knowing, wise beyond his few years. He's seen an awful lot in this life time and, were one to buy into reincarnation, the lives before it. There's a certain degree of kindness, even love evident in his gaze most of the time. Even when angered or annoyed his eyes have trouble conveying any other intent and keep him seeming all too innocent. He can certainly feel fear and panic though and his wide eyed look when surprised or terrified is unmistakable.

  • A short muzzle bears two outstanding features, whiskers and teeth. Those whiskers are long and droopy, delicate, and they feel like feathers when brushed against someone, which is something he's prone to do as he has a tendency to nuzzle gently into a close friend or to rub his cheek against them. The teeth are pronounced but not overly so, were he to need to do something delicate with his mouth he'd be more than capable of keeping them out of the way, if not entirely adapt his form to remove or reshape them.

  • While it may change from one setting to the next or one day to the next his preferred clothing style is rather consistent. While seasonally appropriate so far as shorts and t-shirt, pants and sweater, and sometimes wizard robes he prefers all black with a red dragon design across his back, and at times fire designs along the trimming. Regardless of the appearance, his clothing is usually entirely illusion. Anyone bold enough to feel between the legs of a supposedly clothed mouse will find more than they bargained for, and those clothes can be dismissed with a snap of the fingers.

  • Now for juicy details hanging between the legs. One might expect a male only a few feet tall to not be very well endowed, but that would be an incorrect assumption. Though usually hidden within a sheath, his pale pink shaft while aroused stands at impressive length and girth. The balls hanging beneath are rather large for a male his size at about a baseball each, also pink fleshed though covered sparsely in white fur.

  • Being a fire elemental, he can be weakened by a lack of fresh air and by water or moisture. These things will weaken him, magically and mentally, sapping at his will until all his mana is burned up. Once that happens his body will reflexively revert to mortal form, and he'll be left feeling very weak and dazed, hardly able to move around physically. One might guess it would rather painful, but to the contrary it actually gives him a sort of high that has him relaxed and enjoying himself even in situations that are potentially quite dangerous.


Rylar is from a distant world, a realm where technology has not ever been very well developed but the use of magic is a distinct possibility. Not every creature has the capacity to use magic as it is a gift one is either born with or not and to varying degrees. While certain species are known for the trait being common amongst them others, such as mouse-kind, do not often have such a capacity. Rylar, however, is fortunate enough to have been blessed with the innate ability to use magic.

Born to a family already full of children thanks to the notorious fertility of rodents there seemed at first to be nothing special about the child. Well, at least nothing good. He was smaller than the others, even those around his same age were a good head taller than he was, and he was physically weak. A farming family life style kept him constantly busy with chores but due to his frailty and small size he could not quite keep up. He was regarded as useless and often overlooked, at times even going hungry as brothers and sisters greedily stole from his plate. This compounded his frailty and often left him seeming sickly and pale. No one had any knowledge of his capacity for magic for none had bothered to test for it, after all it is something especially rare in mice. However his parents at least had enough compassion to try to care for him despite his shortcomings... it is simply that he was caught up in the midst of more than a dozen other young mice all fighting for their share of attention from overworked and stressed parents.

As time went on he felt more and more distant and disgusted with his family. Young and impressionable, he began to feel as though they cared far less than they really did, and bred resentment and anger for them. Having nobody that he trusted enough to share his feelings with, he would often retreat into the solitude of the forest to sulk whenever he didn't have chores to do. He spent practically all of his free time wandering the trails, climbing trees, and watching the wild animals that came to drink at the stream. As small as he was at still less than ten years old it is a wonder no predatory creature snatched him up. One day, when he went down to the stream himself to drink from the clear waters, stepping out into the open from beneath the canopy for what would have been only a few seconds when a dark shape flew overhead casting a shadow over him. Getting up to run, he found himself cut off suddenly from the tree line as a red dragon landed behind him.

This dragon would normally not have gone near to mortals, but he'd noticed the mouse out in the woods a number of times, and had sensed the magic in him. He'd become curious, and he stopped to have a talk with the rodent to see what he was out doing. Stories were shared between them, and Rylar was finding himself feeling very comfortable in the company of the larger being, who in turn was treating him with kind attention the likes of which he wasn't very used to. Eventually this dragon offered to take in the mouse and teach him how to use his magic, and the rodent quickly agreed. They travelled to the dragon's home, and there Rylar lived and studied for many years, until he reached adulthood and had mastered the basics of magic. At that point he had grown curious of the wider world and left to go and explore.

During his travels Rylar came across many wonderful things, including a hall of records that included many arcane secrets, including his own origin and why he'd been born with magical power and affinity. As it turns out, someone, somewhere along his family line had done something that pleased the sun goddess of the land he grew up in to the point that she bestowed a blessing upon them, and that blessing manifested itself in him. This fueled his magical abilities and hinted at other powers within him, including energies pertaining to fire. He'd also been looking for a way to extend his life, so this did open up the possibility of bonding with the elemental powers of fire to become a fire elemental himself, which would grant him a supernaturally long lifespan. He lept at the chance, and after many years of study and many more years of attunement he'd surpassed mortality and gained even more affinity with magic.

Though he has power now, he doesn't exactly have goals. He does not see it as his place to interfere with the world's events as he's no longer exactly mortal. He roams and observes, not just his own world but also other worlds he's heard of in his travels, always after novel experiences. He's discovered that he rather enjoys "vore" and has sought out communities that allow or even encourage the activity. Speaking with friends made along the way he jumped from place to place, eventually finding his way to the Vulpine Hallow.

  • I am almost exclusively prey and often very submissive. I do have an occasional, rare predatory mood but don't get pushy about it please. I tend to get really irate if pressured, and I'd prefer to just be calm and happy while here.

  • I'm absolutely fine with either sexual based or story driven roleplays. A quick grab and gulp play focusing on fetish content is more than welcomed, yet I also love to sink my teeth into the right kind of story.

  • I enjoy most kinds of vore from either lighthearted endo sorts of things to drastic implications of "forever." Just note that Rylar is capable of reforming from an open flame after any length of time, and though he may romanticize the idea of being claimed forever, he will always eventually reform.