Age: 23
Weight: N/A
Height: 20'
What's this? A Fluff of Chaos?? Yep! Because of the fact there's more than enough Fluff that needs an identity out there, here's another one!!
Rose red irises with slitted pupils would gaze at those looking, with no hair adorning her head - just more fluffy thick fur - and it all being black with a white tip to her tail, as well as white streaks in the fur with her hands and arms only, it's an interesting look for her! Not to mention the fact she's big and plump like a certain
Ruby_Flamefins, she makes for big, heavy, soft and fluffy...well...Fluff!
Be as she's to be a Chaos Dragon, her magickal powers are suppressed, though she has access to other powers still...powers that transcend it, are more ancient in design than it. But for the most part, she'll have to train herself to use those Chaos powers.
And yes, her wings are still too small for flight, or much of anything but to look cute to others.
And she also resides in the
ChaosDen, because she has not many other places to go! She makes sure not to eat the other residents, to make her stay more welcome.