
Nariko AKA Jolt

Nariko was born on a stormy night when her mother, unable to keep the eggs in any longer, had to seek refuge under a tree to give birth to her children. After the eggs had been laid, the large dragoness carefully moved them from her flimsy shelter to her lair not too far from where she had given birth. Nariko’s egg was still under the tree when lightning struck it down. Frozen in fear, her mother stared as she was certain she had lost on of her children, but among the burning splinters, she saw an egg that stood there, unbroken and unburnt, but vibrating vigorously as a tremendous amount of energy emanated from it. Receiving a few unimportant burns, the mother dragoness rescued her last egg and sought shelter into her lair, nursing her loved ones from childbirth to adulthood!

When the little eastern dragoness was born, she came out of her egg with the lovely dark grey scales of her mother with the black fur of her father. Her eastern dragon antlers grew to become almost black in color. Where she truly stood apart from her family was her the color of the fur that composed the mane of the eastern dragon. At the root, that fur grew black as per her coat, but by the time it became medium length, it naturally turned a brightly deep blue and once it became its natural long length, the tip of it became a bright sunny yellow. This phenomenon also affected her long and gracious whiskers along with the tips of her hair when she keeps them long and her natural swirly markings found on her hips, shoulders, back and corner of the eyes. Her claws also tend to glow in a similar way, most of the times.

At least, this is how Nariko explains her particular color scheme and the details of her birth. Knowing that Eastern Dragons, much like Western Dragons, are extremely powerful, magic inclined creatures, it would also make sense that the girl was born naturally that way. Only those who witnessed her birth know the truth! It doesn’t change the fact that Nariko also inherited the ability to control electricity in and around her body. The power contained within her can easily be identified by how much the blue and yellow colors she bears glow and how intense the coloration in her claws are. Her powers are limited by her imagination and by the amount of energy she has accumulated. Usually, she uses her abilities to incapacitate those who make her uncomfortable, to charge her cell phone and to zap her friends playfully when she wants their attention. It has earned her the nickname Jolt.

Not only can she static-shock others for the fun of seeing them wriggle or zap them with enough power to become a living Taser, but Nariko also trained and mastered her ability to change from her feral form, the natural body she was born with, to her anthro form, the one she uses whenever she is within civilization, at will. Her humanoid form is unremarkable in its physical attributes as she stands at an average 5’8 and weights around 140 pounds. Her feral dragoness body however is a little bit more imposing, at a little less than 50 feet long, a height at the shoulder of 7 feet tall and weighting over 7 tons. It is important to note that her feet in humanoid form and her paws in dragoness form have four toes instead of the usual five. Additionally, the two forms described previously are her default two states, but she might be found as a giant anthro dragoness or a tiny feral dragoness as well, if she feels like mixing things up a bit!

Jolt, as her friends call her, is a modern girl with a dragoness heritage meaning that she understands how to behave in society and uses most of the current technology easily, but as a dragoness, she feels that wearing clothes is restricting and uncomfortable on her scales. Unless it is culturally important, like a wedding or another formal occasion, she will prefer to remain naked as her scales naturally hide her sensitive areas until their service is required! Her heritage provides her with an insatiable need to collect art and literature while her vibrant personality make her inclined to go on hikes to explore the world, run and play sports for the rush of the game and enjoy nightlife activities for the sheer amount of energy a crowd can provide!

Biologically speaking, Jolt is very much a dragoness. Her diet is that of an omnivore with a very strong preference for meat. When and if she reproduces, it is via egg laying, but the dragoness isn’t looking into settling down just yet, for the curious. Organ-wise, her humanoid body contains the same that would be found in any anthro while her dragoness body contains a few extra bits that allow her to condense her magic to allow her to fly without wings. Of course, in both bodies, her wombs are equipped for the creation and subsequent laying of eggs. One thing, however, stands out from the next person. Her flesh, whether it be under her fur or within her body, is a stormy, blackish grey. When the dragoness is excited or when she takes the time to focus and make it happen, just like an animation, streaks of bright white not unlike lightning bolts will briefly, but repeatedly appear in random spots within her flesh providing light and nothing else. This doesn’t mean however that Jolt cannot focus her electrical power inward… You would be wrong to assume that because you somehow found your way inside her that you will be safe from a shock or two! Especially if you don’t squirm…

Played under A_Thousand_Alts
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