
Seems I need to put this front and center here: Please do not initiate RP, especially physical contact, as your initial greeting in whispers. I'm always willing to get to know people, but I tend to be somewhat shy and am only at ease with such things with those I know well. If you don't know if you're someone I am alright with being poked straight off with RP-ish things, you probably aren't. So why not say hi to me as a player first? You'd not immediately hug a stranger or someone you're only slightly acquainted with right off the bat without them inviting it, right? Just because it's online rather than face-to-face doesn't mean I don't deserve the same courtesy. So by all means, say hello, or ask if I'd like RP, I'm often open for it! Just please respect my desire for personal space as well. ♥

Lunaril has her very own character page now! This altlist is now purely sort of OOC. I may dick about with silliness, but I'm not gonna be getting into serious storyline type RP. Oooookay seems that giving the tulpa a fully revised look has made me want to actually play her, so, any serious play with her will mean a swap over to Moonflower_Tulpa.

Generally don't use statuses on this character, since altlist, BUT!

If you see this status, it means even if I'm on the altlist, I'm totally up for RP! I just can't which character to use. Feel free to toss me a whisper if someone in particular strikes your fancy!
Same as above, just means I'm pred-oriented.
Ditto, but looking for RP as prey.

In case you were wondering about the general about the preferences of me, the player, I went and made myself a general kinklist.

So, I'm a dork, decided to start raising me some baby dragons. Feel like helping? Head over here and click the eggs and hatchlings. Thank you, to those who help out~.


Holy hells, the old version of the altlist was hell for people to peruse, so I went and slapped the whole mess into a Google Sheets spreadsheet instead, with some help from a friend. Preds are highlighted in light red, prey in light green, and the switches are either color-coded by whether they lean pred/prey, or white if neither. I THINK I've gotten everyone in there, and will try and update it far more frequently than I had the one here. To sort and filter the list, select one of the columns (A, B, etc.) and [Sort A → Z] to create a temporary filter, then sort by chosen criteria (Pred/Prey/Switch, Gender, etc).

The MoonflowerEmporium Master List