
Strength doesn't come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

Profile under reconstruction. Read it to get a feel of the character, but it will be changed.

Born with an attitude and a passion that goes with it

Marilou was brought into this world screaming and thrashing and from the get go, her parents knew she was going to be a very energetic pup. When the baby fennec learned to crawl, she was already hard to keep up with and when she could finally stand on her own, it was the end of trying to stop her. As an infant, the fennec learned how to climb, jump and run before she learned how to read and count.

When she grew older, all she cared for was her physical education classes and in school, she participated in all the sport-related events she could get her hands on. Whether it was a normal sport such as tennis or soccer, an athletic sport such as swimming or running or a contact sport such as wrestling or football, nothing scared the girl and her friends often said she should have been born male. To Lou though, it didn't matter as she still could compete with any and all, but the most intense male practitioners in all sports.

Marilou found her passion early on when she took a general martial arts class that taught the basics of every more popular martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Karate and so on. She loved each and every one of them and knew she wanted more. She eventually found specific classes that taught these disciplines and studied/practiced in them. When she believed she was good enough, she took part in regulated tournaments and found quite a bit of pride in winning a good deal of them.

A bigger challenge than she could chew

Lou eventually realized that she never could go all out while practicing her passion. She didn't want to hurt others, of course, but she wanted to have as little limits as possible. She started looking for more underground, less regulated fighting rings where she could finally feel the rush of challenge. Her first few days in those arenas were rough, but she adapted quickly and returned to winning most of her matches.

The friend that had helped her find these underground fighting rings had become her manager and always worked with her to find more lucrative challenges. The fennec fighter was very happy with the growing difficulty and obviously didn't spit on the money that came with it, but she started to wonder just how far she was willing to push the rules away. Fighting sports could be lethal if unsupervised...

That was when she was presented with a special kind of tournament... One could only participate under special invitations and it was noted that it was the most thrilling fights one could ever feel. Curious, Marilou agreed to participate. When she arrived at the location, she realized that she might have made a mistake then. The crowd, sparse, looked more like psychopaths than normal beings... Her doubts were confirmed when she heard a scream and saw one of the fighters in the ring being eaten after losing the battle. She tried to back out, but bouncers blocked her in saying that once you accepted, you had to give at least one fight to pay back the invitation. She panicked.

Marilou felt very alone and scared when she stepped into the ring. She wanted to vomit and her stress made her whole body shake. The crowd cheered when a large crocodile male stepped into the ring with her. He was tall, made of muscles and leathery skin and it was obvious this fight wasn't exactly a fair one. When she complained to what passed for a referee, he simply told her to return to her corner and started the fight. She fought with all her might and put her heart into her skills and techniques, but it was to no avail. Her opponent was simply too strong and his skin too armored for her to actually hurt him and then she saw that hook punch aimed for her jawline on the corner of her eyes... Lou faded in and out of consciousness afterwards. She saw the row of teeth, the large tongue... She felt the pressure around her body... She felt herself forced into a curled ball while a distant crowd was cheering... She felt the horrible stinging sensation and smelled the strong acids...

What if you were given a second chance?

Marilou felt like she was floating, but even when she opened her eyes, all she could see was darkness. She felt strangely at peace. Suddenly, she felt that gravity started pulling her downward, slowly at first, but growing quicker. Then she felt the vertigo of falling. She panicked. She woke up and sat up, gasping in fresh air as she looked around, panicked. Was it just a dream? She looked around and she was in what looked like an infirmary. An anthro cow was looking over another fighter-looking male wolf. She didn't remember how she got there.

When she asked the anthro cow, she was told that she was still in the special fighting ring area where she had lost a very scary fight. When she asked what had happened, she was told that the arena held fights to the death, but with a few twists. First, the winner had to consume the loser in a way they saw fit. The second twist was that the loser was revived just like the fennec was, because the amount of fighters invited was limited and they couldn't afford to lose too many of them.

Marilou had found what she wanted. She could practiced her art to its full extent and not fear to kill her opponents as they were going to die anyway and return later. She agreed to remain with the group under one condition. She wanted to be under the permanent protection of the reviving process. At first, the ring leaders were reluctant to allow such a thing, but they eventually caved in with Lou's insistence. She had the magical protection ring tattooed into her skin in a way that made her fur grow black like the ink as well. She discovered that those runes imbued her with the powers to revive, but also revived those she won against, which was a win-win situation for her.

Marilou would have lived and died of old age within the ring if it hadn't been discovered, raided and stopped by law enforcement. The fennec girl was proven guilty of taking part of the ring, but she played innocent and said she was kidnapped and forced into it, which worked and lessened the verdict that came her way. She was forced to see a psychologist and stay under constant surveillance for a few years, but she played along happily until she was deemed normal and was let free. When she heard of a community with weird behaviors similar to that very underground arena she fought in, she got curious and moved there...

A highly competitive fennec

Marilou can generally be described as a very energetic fennec and a fun gal to be hanging around with, but the girl will almost never back down from a challenge and will fight until the end to avoid losing. Aside from that, the fennec is quite outgoing and easy going. Hobby-wise, Lou enjoys anything related to sports and fighting. She especially likes to spar in a ring in a UFC-style match.

Played under A_Thousand_Alts
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can switch, mainly pred
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Neutral. Non-graphic and/or goop style.
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike In or out of RP.
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can't as pred, would do if gender swapped or given a penis.
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Neutral. Clean only if it happens.
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can't as predator, would do if given the ability.
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Neutral
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ask me first.
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can happen, may not happen. Mood needs to be there.
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as they are not generic
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as they are not generic
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ask me first.
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sentient, magic and/or mythical only. Ask me first if unsure.
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I will type as large and as fast as I can, usually matching my partner's size.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike ^^^
Evolving Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love