
Born from magic and looking for more...

The Hungry Demoness

Queen of her own domain

Maeva is a demoness born from fiery and evil plane that many have dubbed Hell. As a low ranked demoness among very powerful beings, she started her life as a servant of chaos and toy to greater demon to do with as they please. Her personality, far from being a submissive one, endured her years of servitude until the day she could find a way out of it. Using the fact that powerful demons tend to have better things to do than watch over their minions, she started absorbing the powers of lesser demons to increase her own.

However, if your status doesn’t matter in the abyssal plane, your power does. As Maeva gathered the energy she siphoned into her own body, her presence started being felt among the demonic leaders around her. When it reached the point where she knew they would start looking her way for the power source and the disappearance of demons around her, she channeled her power to escape the dimension that saw her creation. She soon found herself floating in a weird dimension between planes where nothing existed.

Not willing to stay stuck in there forever, she expanded what little power she had left to create her own little plane and open a portal to it before slipping into it. Her newly created domain, however, was and is still quite small. After her escape, her demonic powers had been greatly depleted and what she could create out of her depleted power was very lacking. Her domain, in the beginning, contained a tower, built of stone, standing on a floating island barely big enough for the tower itself. Her world, quite literally just the tower, didn’t even have a sky as the horizon in every direction was composed of darkness aside from a luminous spot of light, the source of Maeva’s power.

Gathering more power

It is easy to guess that a demoness, now free of any bindings, would want to live a better life than floating in a tiny dimension, in a shoddy tower on a tiny island. To increase her domain, she needed more power and to do so, she needed a source of it to siphon. Having all the time in the world, Maeva stepped out of her own domain and into the transitional dimension, looking for an already open door. After years of floating around idly in between planes, she eventually reached a portal to a new world, vibrant with colors, creatures and plants.

Wary at first, Maeva approached the living energy of a nearby forest and examined the plane she ended up in. Carefully, she’d siphon the energy of a plant, then a tree before realizing that this plane was far less dangerous than the one which had created her. With her power very slowly growing once again, she started connecting with this new world’s power network and discovered traces of powerful energies, but far less impressive as the demons that once had her for a servant. Grinning, she knew this plane would be perfect for her project and she hoped she could also find new things to entertain herself with.

A quick look at the demoness

Maeva wasn’t created with a particular mold in mind. The horns of a goat adorn her head curling behind her ears and the teeth of a boar protruding on the side of her mouth. Her body is bit stocky and small as she stands at 5’5 feet tall. Her long black hair flows almost freely behind her head and down to her back with a single braided strand falling onto her shoulder and chest reaching all the way down to her belly. Her hands have the paw pads and the claws of a bear while her feet have more a canine influence. A brief description of her would be a petite demonic-looking thing with a fierce look and a powerful aura.

The demoness is a power hungry little thing. Despite her small size, her remaining power is channeled into her physical form to grant her superior strength and increased agility. While not looking like much, she has the strength of a bull and the nimbleness of a cat. While she was modifying her body to suit her needs, she also improved it to be able to shape shift at her own leisure and while she doesn’t use it to change how she looks, she does allow her form to stretch to incredible distances as she consumes creatures to increase her powers.

What to expect from her

Maeva has fiery blood running through her veins and her years of service for a demon, being abused at will and ordered around have made her hungry for a life of leisure, pleasure and power. Looking to increase her power, she will consume the energy of any living creatures she deems unworthy of her attention, usually non-sentient critters and plants. However, the humanoids inhabiting this new plane have proven to be really interesting to her. She has discovered that most of them are deliciously filled with energy that she can feed from to increase her power, but even better, they hold a power where they can focus their thoughts at a greater being and grant them a slow, but infinite amount of power.

Knowing this, the demoness is looking forward to gather minions for her own pleasure, worshippers to increase her power and otherwise feed off these beings to make her domain grow until she is happy with her holdings. She might even consider allowing some of these sentient creatures into her domain for her own amusement and because it can become quite lonely out there. She is also looking forward to finding these incredible sources of magic and power that she can feel, but not see scattered about. She will need to be careful around them, but if she could siphon one...

Metainformation and important notices


Maeva is a greedy and hungry demoness. She will devour you how she sees fit and will taunt you about it. She believes herself to be a powerful being, which is true to a point, but doesn’t make her all powerful. If she goes too far in her taunting where her partner is no longer having fun, let me know.

Maeva will be looking for worshippers and if you become one, she will take care of you a little bit better. It doesn’t mean you won’t be consumed however. There will be no branding, no leashing, no nothing. From a roleplay point of view, it is only a reason for her to bring you back. She might even do so without you worshipping her, if you are a fun prey!

The demoness will reward her most favorite preys with the option of becoming her minions or pets. If this should happen, be aware that accepting might involve her branding you as well as all the love and abuse related to being the minion of a demoness. You have been warned, do not take this decision lightly!

Current state of her domain

Her domain is enveloped in pure darkness, using her power as a light source which reveals a tiny island floating in a void, where a tower made of stone is standing. This tower contains a throne room on the first floor, a playroom on the second floor and a bedroom on the third floor. The throne room is quite empty aside from the massive wooden chair standing in the middle of it. The playroom is very much like a dungeon, with chains, toys and such. The bedroom has a very large bed with many sheets and many pillows for the demoness’ comfort. A single chest containing her jewelry is also present. All in all, it is not a very impressive thing... yet.

People of note to her

None at the moment.

Played under A_Thousand_Alts
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Non-graphical, for the most part.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike I do not like the idea of killing off a character. No perma-fatality.
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Only non-permanent transformation. For permanent one, let's discuss it OOCly.
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ask me first!
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love