
March 24, 2001 - Today was going well... managed to get accepted into a program that was trying to help with the global warming today. My sister seems to think it's a bad idea to join a group that doesn't talk about itself... but really, how could a nature group be bad?

April 1, 2001 - I was shown to the main facility of the group today, I'm not allowed to discuss or write down anything about what they do or what they're called. For 'security purposes' they said, I'm starting to get a bad feeling. Tomorrow they'll be taking me to the labs to help find a cure for global warming.


September 4, 2003 - I... I don't know what's going on... they said they were trying to help the planet... help the world! But they aren't... they locked us into... strange cages, like glass cubes--there are wires and smaller tubes connecting inside.. a single chair is inside, I'm sitting on it as I record this audio log.. what's going on?

September 5, 2003 - Oh god... they're.. ~Coughing is hard, as well as hissing in the background~ ...they're flooding our chambers with gas! Oh... oh god... my chest... aaaghhhhkkkk!! ~The sound of rustling, a body hitting the ground is heard. Screaming is heard as well as the sickening noise of snapping bones and tearing flesh.~

September 10, 2003 - Aaaaaakkkhh.. I cannot... can.. ugh... throat hurt... ~A slight pause is heard, as well as deep breathing.~ They... kkkaaawww.. did something to... aaarraaakkkhh... to us.. I don't... under..stand.. why? ~The sounds of the device being set down is heard.~


January 24, 2006 - We're not... the only ones, anymore. Kaakaaaww, I can't stop making that noise when I try to talk... it's like an aaaraaaakkkhh a sensaiton I can't stop anymore. But.. I can talk now... after years of recovery and kaaawww healing.. for some reason, they're helping us learn how to speak. But.. I can't walk. I can barely hold this thing... my fingers... aren't fingers anymore.

February 1, 2006 - The nest.. nest? Facility.. it's under attack! ~Explosions are heard, people screaming and yelling in the background. Animals are heard growling or roaring, whimpering or whining. And gunfire.~ I'm hiding inside of a crate... kakaaww.. had to crawl over here, I still can't walk. I don't know how animals can stand on these legs... I'm nothing human anymore. I'm going to make a break for it once Rocko breaks down the wall...

February 2, 2006 - We're the only ones left. The others were either captured by the attackers, or by the people who tried to 'help' humanity.. I'm one of the few left who can actually talk. Rocko's hurt pretty bad, but he'll pull through. Damn Rhino was always a tough bastard. I can control my noises now.. we're forced to living in a cave. No clothes... no tools... not like we would be able to use them.

February 5, 2006 - Rocko's better now, we're agreeing to go our separate ways. We'll meet up once we've learned how to move around better. This is my last log for a long while... I wish I had listened to my sister...


January 10, 2014 - Can't believe it's been... what? Thirteen years since I was turned into this thing? I can barely still walk. The trick is to use your toes to stand up, but I can't get the whole part of walking with my feet yet. It's like my body instinctively wants to push my heel down, but.. my heel is now my ankle. I've got wings, but I don't know how to fly with them. I hate having to eat... I have to swallow the crap down whole.. it feels so weird. And if I eat something that's too tough, I end up puking up the remains after it's done. Disgusting... ugh. Old gang came back together at the cave today, missing a few heads... heard they were captured by the 'friends' we had. Poor bastards. I'm sending this recorder to my sister today. Finally got back into contact with her... she'll be shocked when she finds out what happened. Lance Brightwing.. signing off.

Lance Brightwing was once a human who had volunteered to join a group of radical eco-defenders who felt that the only way to protect Earth was to remove the human race and replace it with human-animal hybrids. Thing is, they weren't informed that they were going to be the experiments.

Of the thousands of volunteers who joined, only a few hundred survived the transformation with their minds intact--the rest died or went insane. Lance was transformed into a type of bird with mammalian-avian hybrid feet and hands. Still unable to walk very well or fly, he has to get by very slowly.

Although he was of a race of birds that could survive off of small animals and fruit, he often chose to eat fruit over animals; the act of having to regurgitate some of his more 'lively' meals was something he didn't often enjoy. As time went on, he began to find out that a war had broken out where he lived--between the radical-indoctrinated Earth Defenders (gene-spliced humans who were brainwashed to serving the ED) and the humans who still lived.

Lance and Rocko managed to get away, and whilst Rocko had split up to try and find others to stop the ED--Lance found himself in a very, very dangerous place. Where he feels more like a small cheep bird amongst a den of hungry and sleeping lions. Knowing full well he has to watch his step... or find himself being introduced to the food chain in a very brutal manner.

Lance's anatomy is quite similar to most birds. He can only digest fruits and any animal he can fit down his beak. Those consumed will be put inside of his crop where they will gestate in his pre-digestive fluids for about a half-hour before they move down to his gizzard (not a stomach) where they spend about an hour digesting. Any remains from animals or small humanoids he's consumed will be regurgitated.

Whilst Lance is fully capable of both normal movement on land as well as flying through the sky, and using his hands to help grasp objects; he has extreme difficulty moving on his feet, and he does not understand how birds fly so he is grounded, and the long talons on his now three-fingered hands render it almost impossible for him to grab things.

Possessing an avian girth that even he is confused about sometimes, Lance does experience periods of lust and rut every so often. During these periods he is extremely susceptible to being aroused by a female. Whilst rutting, he is incapable of exiting that sexual excitement period until he breeds with a female. Due to him being mostly animal at this point... it is not something he enjoys doing.

Lance has a flavor and taste to his flesh that hits a predator's 'sweet spot' in their maws, causing them to salivate and their bellies to grumble hungrily. He will almost always cause those who devour him to digest him due to his flavor, and due to his rather average human size.. he is the perfect size for most predators looking for a meal.

Lance stands around 5'11" and weighs around 178 lbs, and he is currently in a hard rutt.


Dannethion - Archdaemon of Gluttony and Lust (Predator)

Shadri - Shadowtaur Beast (Predator)
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Lance only preys upon children-sized meals or smaller, and is preyed upon by everything else. He cannot eat things which are near his own size.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike He only has sex with females, herms might have a chance but only if they have a vagina.
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike The mutagenic transformation that Lance suffered has left him immune to further transformations.
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Nothing stopping someone from turning him into a pet or other such thing.
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Non-sex related RPs.
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't find human mouths interesting for predator scenes. Sorry. No chance here.
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't find human mouths interesting for predator scenes. Sorry. No chance here.
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't like quickies.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm not Deadpool, you're not Deadpool. Don't act like Deadpool.
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love