
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons...

  • The Simple
    • Nicknames: Jori
    • Clan: Gos'aurix
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 427
  • The Physical
    • Race: Dragon
    • Body type: Varies by form
    • Physical Details: Amber eyes, the rest varies by form
    • Physical Drawbacks: Nearly insatiable hunger
  • The Personal
    • Nature: Mischief Manager
    • Demeanor: Playfully overbearing
    • Orientation: Pansexual
    • Hobbies: Bookworm, Gourmet

Every ecology has an apex predator and the Mountains of Morning are no exception. Here there be dragons. Civilized dragons with social gatherings, rules, and manners. They even eat Cherries Jubilee. While not without its problems chasing off wizards and knights, there is one trouble that is not often discussed. Just what do you do when a dragon gets to eating more than she should?

Jormungayl might have gotten by just eating the occasional adventurer, everyone did it, but her tastes became more expansive. Lone travelers on the road, wise old hermits, and more than once the owner of a gingerbread house vanished under suspicious circumstances. It might have been called another rampage if she'd only set something on fire. Instead Jormungayl played games with her food and carefully stacked the odds in her favor. The final straw came when she started helping herself to her neighboring dragons' princesses. Some things were just not done. Since then she's been banished from the realm, at least until she agrees to tone down her eating.

The dreaded secret to Jormungayl's gluttony is that she took with each lively meal a large portion of their magic for herself. Humans were handily available but their wizards tended to draw her eye. Magical folk found themselves hunted relentlessly. Simply possessing an item of any power was enough to draw interest. Everything went to her gut and over time added to the dragon's own inherrant magic. Now Jormungayl's grown larger than many of her kin with enough magic to reinvent herself into nearly any form. Despite all her gains, nothing's sated Jori's appetites and it seems unlikely anything will.

A Greater Truth

  • Vore Pref: Always Predator
  • Body type: Quadruped
  • Height: 30' at the shoulder
    • 64' rearing
    • 76' nose to tail
    • 60' wingspan
  • Weight: 83t
  • Role: Bloody great beast!

The true form of Jormungayl is no small matter. Just reaching up to a knee usually requires a ladder. Draconic magic pulses with heat beneath her armored scales and curls from every breath. The light sometimes shimmers with pale iridescence across the membranes of her wings and crests. There's an energy to Jormungayl beyond simple youth and the playing of the light. To the magically sensitive she burns like a star in the night sky once all the veils fall away.

All of this magic is sourced from her belly, so to speak. Anything swallowed by the dragoness travels down her throat and must pass through the crop. There food is stored if the rest of her is too full, a sort of staging area for things awaiting their turn at digestion. The crop itself is just above her collar bones and tends to bulge beneath the scales when stuffed. Jori has control over this part of herself and could store items or transport people. The catch is trying to motivate her to let anyone back out safely.

Just beneath her crop is a chamber lined with rough scales and thick muscles. Here things become rough as the churning tries to break down her meals into smaller chunks. Sometimes tougher objects become lodged in the walls until they can soften up. It wouldn't be unusual to find spare coins or missing jewelry here. For 'guests' of the dragon it's an experience akin to being gently gnawed upon, survivable but hardly restful.

Jormungayl's stomach is a sizable room and it freely stretches as needed. Coming here is something between being wrapped in a hammock and locked in a sauna. Digestive juices pool here as what's left of her meals is churned away into more dragoness. It's also here that Jormungayl draws magic from her meals. Not much leaves for the deeper parts of her gut save a nutrient rich slurry, and the occasional lucky 'guest'.

At the end of everything is the vertical slit beneath her tail, the dragon's cloaca. The slit itself is muscled enough to deny access without her permission, and for good reason. Along with the end of her digestion the scaley lips guard her vaginal canal. Occasionally she's found amusement in introducing smaller races to this bit of draconic anatomy, sometimes to their confusion. It's the sort of education that always winds up a once in a lifetime experience.

A Little Lie

  • Vore Pref: 65% Prey/ 35% Pred
  • Body type: Digigrade Ectomorph
  • Height: 5'1"
  • Weight: 107 lbs.
  • Role: Flirt

They say it's the eyes that lie but hers smolder with a primal magic. Smaller than most in this form, Jori tends to favor short skirts and plain blouses with nothing beneath. The kind of clothing that tears without much prompting. Has the predator turned prey? Sometimes she has, relying on her magic to restore her body later. Sometimes you just need bait for a trap.

There's nothing hidden about her draconic heritage though. Scales sheathe her limbs like fetish wear and crawl up her back. What could have been armor is velvety soft and warm to the touch. A stark contrast with the talons on her feet, tipping her fingers. There's no doubt getting close to this one walks the razor's edge between promised threats and veiled temptations.

Internally she's mimicked a mammal's body quite carefully. Visitors are sure to recognize all the human norms; stomach, womb, and points beyond. The temperature just might be a little higher than usual, a side effect of the draconic magic pulsing through her body. It not only keeps her insides cooking like a private sauna but everything within Jori casts a dim reddish-orange light. Maybe it would be preferable to have darkness but guests are welcome to close their eyes.

This form is how Jori usually presents herself to the world. A dragon without the bulk, able to walk the streets like anyone else and enjoy life among the mortals. Only the stupid and desperate would try to impose on Jori's time in this form when she advertises her nature so openly. The more cunning know what her guise really is, an invitation to play the game with the highest stakes possible.

Roleplay Prefs

Just a general idea for those that like the pretty colors. It should be noted that moods vary so asking questions is a good idea, if you don't like your hair on fire.


  • Casual Vore
  • Mouth Play
  • Object Vore
  • Micro/Macro Play
    • Toys
    • Snacks
    • Fun-size 'Friends'
  • Noisy Bellies
  • Full Tours
  • Teasing & Seduction
  • Creative Requests
  • Vorish Accidents
  • Lively Players
  • Permavore Pred
    • She'll help clean out your old alts

Scene Ideas

  • Got something to add to her hoard? Shiney things, magic things, and other little trinkets are always welcome. Jori's even willing to bargain favors for a choice bit. The only catch of course is just where she keeps her haul, but you'll probably get to see that for yourself.
  • Parties, clubs, Bar-B-Ques, and bars all have one thing in common. People are there. It's not unheard of to see a dark haired woman drifting through the crowds. It's not quite certain who invited this crasher but now you've caught her eye.
  • Every meal gives her something, even when she's the main course. It's not entirely unheard of for a woman in scales to vanish inside a larger creature. She's not that big to begin with for one thing. It's only later that it becomes apparant she's drawing off the energy of her host. Sure it might mean a gurgly fate, but that's a problem for later.
...for thou art tasty.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love