Ikendri was taken as an egg from his warren by an elf, scholar, alchemist, and spy - Khyrmin Erwynn - during an expedition to Abrindar's underdark. Khyrmin was serving as a consultant for magical traps and hidden doors for a large party tasked with the theft of a certain magical metallurgy the Duergar had discovered. His daughter, Nylathria, had fixated on kobolds, and he imagined that Ikendri would be a pet. Their mission was successful, and the creamy-white egg was brought back to Sable Port along with many secrets, including their target.
Ten years later, the kobold had proven exceptionally bright and talented as kobolds go, and was considered a member of the family. Perhaps it was growing up in an elvish household, perhaps it was the excellent nutrition he had in comparison to most of his kind. Perhaps it was the sisterly love of a clever elf maiden, or even the encouragement of his natural talents. Regardless, the kobold showed brightness and incredible physical prowess, a good acrobat and remarkably skilled with his hands.
When the lizard was still young, upon seeing his natural, nimble acrobatics, cleverness, and sticky fingers, his patron had begun him training, feeling a kobold could be very useful, and he was right. Ikendri took to weapons training almost as well as he took to learning the intricacies of dealing with higher society of the city, as well as was a capable student when it came to general study. He'd spent much time in the Athenaeum, Sable Port's library, knowledge hub, and significant presence in the trading hub's politics, and easily became a well known assistant. Many members of the Athenaeum looked down on his kind, and saw him as little more than a gopher, but Khyrmin assured the bold that he should play this role up as much as possible, while convincing his colleagues that such a base creature is more than easily controlled, and always had since his hatching. Ikendri is to present himself as less intelligent than he actually is, and maintain the appearance of meek servitude and of no import. This gave him plenty of ability to hear and see that which is not meant for him, and report it back, and yet be smart enough to take direction and be trusted to carry out duties one might entrust to a loyal, well-trained apprentice.
By 15, Ikendri was a full grown kobold, a slim reptile standing only 2'10", with white and cream scales, clever green eyes, and a lengthy, but stout tail. During daylight, the kobold appears well dressed in excellent clothing. Most often, he wears lighter colored silks well suited to breathe in the warm, coastal environment of Sable Port, and commonly has a dark blue, black, or brown jacket around this. During the wet season he often has a fine leather cloak to protect him from the elements.
By night, he wears roughspun, ragged canvas, dirt rubbed in and weathered from plenty of use, now appearing dark grey. His cloak is equally ragged appearing, burlap, and seemingly dusty. Ikendri's shirt and cloak remain loose, to hide numerous pouches and sheathes, he has an abundance of tools strapped to his waist and tail, camouflaged under clothing he can slip out of and discard immediately if the occasion should arise. Day or night can be dangerous in his trade, it's unlikely he'd be without his Elven fimaha armor. This fine armor is crafted from sleek, studded leather plates which overlap and have been dyed a dark grey color. That, and an exquisitely crafted blade, his nuĂndan, are both clear signs of his patron's wealth that he takes pains to conceal.
As far as anyone can tell, these may be different reptiles. Certainly Ikendri would take immense pains to hide his nocturnal activities, and he aims to have few see him this way. He's cursed with being the only white kobold he knows in town, but it is visited by unusual creatures all the time.
Eventually, he'd figured out how to 'create' other kobolds, a simple change of dress, mannerism, location, and most importantly, a reason for being somewhere, and suddenly he'd improved the lizard population of Sable port by another fake identity.
While his patron ostensibly works for the Athenaeum, his responsibilities are far expanded beyond what most assume, and he works in the shadows to further the desires of his government. Ikendri had trained from a young age to be a tool for this purpose, tutors from the thieves guild had been hired to show them their craft beyond what Khyrmin could teach.
By all appearances, Ikendri works part-time at the Athenaeum, or in the city running his patron's dangerous 'errands,' in a smart little elvish-style suit, generally light and breezy cloth and cut for the warm, often humid climate. By night, he skulks in bars, brothels, or into certain people's houses, always seeking information that will benefit his patron, or his mission, and his adoptive race. He does steal gold or possessions from time to time, paying his vig to the guild for dues, or trading coin for knowing, and spending the rest on frivolous things, all to keep up appearances. He certainly doesn't need the money, but the rank and file of the thieves guild does not know his true purpose, and he does not make any large waves or attempts visibly to be a particularly exceptional thief, to continue blending in the background of people's minds in his double life.
He'll make Khyrmin proud.
Art used with permission. Original kobold by Snowskau that inspired Ikendri:
Character sheet!
Here I am, working for a living and looking like a badass, thanks

Looking more dapper and less angry, again thank you,

Also known as
Sterling, and others.