
Age: 25
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 125 lbs.

Character is commissioned by me, please do not steal this for your own purposes/profiles. Thank you, Kaji <3

Physical Description:

A snowy white anthro cheetah, frequently seen strutting about naked as the day he was born. He enjoys being completely nude, finding that his spotted fur covers his nether regions sufficiently well. If he's aroused, that's a different story entirely. Should he choose to be a bit more modest, or when a situation demands it, he has a blue skirt or snug fitting jeans that he enjoys wearing with a form-fitting pink tank top. He secretly prefers being naked, though. (If in doubt about his wardrobe at the time, ask!)

He is a somewhat unusual specimen of cheetah. Rather than the usual orange pelt with black spots, his fur is snowy white, and covered in silvery-grey spots. He isn't an albino, however. His eyes are baby blue, always shining with curiosity and friendliness. Something unusual about him, though, is the mark on his left buttock. A black Gordian Knot adorns his left cheek, centered on it. Why is is there is known only to the cheetah. Ask, if you dare.

Aside from the unusual coloration of his fur, he is an shining example of cheetah-kind. His body is sleek and slender, built for speed. His thighs are handsomely toned, but not overly muscled. He's perhaps a bit slimmer and more feminine in build than most males of his species, but he doesn't mind much. His hips and midsection deliciously curved, with a perky butt that's dangerously prone to wiggling. All the better to attract partners of either gender. The drawback of this, of course, is that those partners might not have a difficult time taking advantage of him.


He's a bit of a free spirit, and enjoys the simple life. He gets close to others easily, and enjoys spending intimate time with those he loves, though often does so with strangers as well. The cheetah can be a bit of a slut at time. He's about as open-minded as they come, and will cuddle up to anyone that lets him. This, of course, frequently puts him in some rather compromising situations (and positions).

In short: snuggly, affectionate, romantic, and raunchy.


This cheetah didn't have much of an exciting childhood. He was born on the African Savannah like many other cheetahs, and raised there until adulthood. However, his snowy fur pattern left him vulnerable in the grassy Savannah, both as a hunter and to stronger predators. He eventually chose to move on, finding another place to call home in the city. While he has made a comfortable living on his own, he still enjoys exploring new places, meeting new creatures, and making new friends. Especially the latter. Nobody really knows what Frosty does for a living, and he tends to dodge the subject when it's brought up. He tends to spend more time away from his apartment than he does in it, as a result of his career. There are rumors that the cheetah is involved in open-wheel racing as a hobby, but they are entirely unfounded.

OOC information and Misc:

To get more info, just ask. I'm not going to spell it out for you here. I'll answer questions out of character, but I won't tell every little detail about my character. You'll have to find that out from Frosty. I've included some of the basic RP prefs on the sliders. The rest you'll have to figure out by either asking, or RPing it. Keep in mind, I do have taboo's. If it's not on the list, ask me. And since I'm feeling particularly generous, here's an even more in-depth list: F-List!

As far as RPing goes, I'll usually put out 3-7 lines or more, depending on how descriptive I want to get. I don't have any requirements for the person I'm RPing with. As long as it's intelligently written, I'm fine with it (no netspeak, PLEASE). However, there is a stipulation. If it takes you so long to post that I lose interest, don't bother. Writing ten lines doesn't mean anything to me, if it took you 30 minutes to do. I like my scenes to move fluidly, and that means not waiting an eternity between posts.

Because it apparently needs to be said, I don't often roleplay in public. But if I am sharing a public scene with someone, please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD do not just randomly approach me and my partner mid-scene and try to get involved. Privately ask (Read: whisper me) before approaching and get permission, please, because it is really off-putting to have someone randomly try to barge their way into a scene. It isn't going to win you points with me, and will likely put you on the naughty list. Not the good naughty list, either.

Pred vs. Prey:

I am predominantly a prey-leaning player. I've adjusted my sliders to reflect this, but I feel the need to reiterate here due to a number of recent situations. Predatory moods are few and far between for me, and chances are I will approach you first if I happen to be in one. Feel free to try your luck and approach me, but don't be upset if I say no. Most importantly, DO NOT EXPECT A 1:1 TRADE if you are heavily prey-leaning yourself. I will try to be fair, but don't assume I will automatically turn around and eat you next time we play. Too many people have already assumed that being the pred means I'm obligated to something in return, and it's starting to really wear on me. Please don't do this.

Another important note:

Yes, I am a writer. No, I do not bite (unless you ask me to). Don't feel intimidated by the fact that I write vore stories. I am not too good for you. I am not above RPing with new people, ever, as long as your posts are thought-out. Standard RPing rules apply, naturally. No, I am not inflating my own ego. I've had a few people admit they were afraid to RP with me because they thought I was out of their league, or out of reach. Trust me, I'll make it worth your effort if you approach me and strike my interest.

Stories posted here:
FurAffinity "LukeSnowcat"
SoFurry "LukeSnowcat"

Interested in having me write a story for you? Let me know! My commission info is available on my FA page.

Want to get ahold of me outside of chat? Feel free! You can contact me one of several ways:

MSN (RIP) Yahoo (RIP), AIM (RIP), Skype (LOL), Telegram, or Discord.

Yes, I use all four both. It happens, when I have buddies that hop messengers, and I actually want to keep in contact with them. HOWEVER I'd prefer that I get to know you in VH first. Randomly IMing me with "hai, lol!" or something similar might get you blocked in a hurry. And if you don't ask me at all, I'm probably going to decline your request. Bottom line: don't ask for my contact info unless I've got to know you first

Frosty is the owner of the CheetahCoalition
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Digest him as rough as you like
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike To clarify, in-scene the chee won't be coming back, but this does not mean permavore or profile play
Reforming Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike #1 favorite, all others are mood-dependent
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike Cuz big bellies and bulges <3
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Mainly in regard to digestion
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm overall more lovey and affectionate with people
Sex Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is a guilty pleasure, not a requirement. Scat play is a hard no, but go to town with post-vore disposal if it suits you, cuz it certainly suits me.
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike [font=red]Please please PLEASE clear with me before you engage in bondage play. I have a very real history and unwelcome bondage advances can trigger traumatic experiences.[/font]
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike I try not to go too far beyond "hesitantly unwilling." Screaming, crying, pleading is a huge mood killer for me
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike All genders are welcome; combinations of them especially so.
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is generally as "human" as I will go
Fur Partner Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Quads have to eat, too. Includes sentient and non
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike The longer the better, but please don't bury me under a novel
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as there's effort, no one-liners please
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike ...but I prefer to keep vore scenes to a single session if possible; it can be hard to recapture the mood when it gets paused in the middle
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Whisper-friendly, and preferred for scenes. I will generally avoid public scenes due to a number of bad experiences.
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Heavily prefer private scenes for the above reason.
Dirty Talk Always/Love
Never/Dislike I LOVE dirty/naughty talk when vore is involved
Butt First Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't know why it's so hot, it just is