
Fe'aths F-list info (Kink list etc.)
DescriptionOOC Notes
Brief desc:

Fe'ath is an anthro owl, female, of mischievious nature. Covered in pink feathers which puts her at odds with the owls one might find in nature, there were other obvious differences too.

Admittedly when it comes to size she's not too dissimilar to her more wild relatives at around two foot tall, especially if she tucks the fingers of her winghands flat, one would barely realise that she had hands at all, and were it not for her rather more upright stance, she could very easily pass as non-anthro at those times. The other difference wasn't quite so marked and might take a few seconds to realise: that she was lacking any form of claws on her feet and hands, no natural weaponry there at all. That's not to say she goes around unarmed, she occasionally might be seen wearing a foot-harness which cones with sharpened steel tips for her toes. A thief (and more precisely a burglar), that lack of claws was a boon in allowing her to pad about on hard floors almost as silently as she could fly. Given that flight allows her easy access to windows left open and her small size allows fitting in tight spots, she makes a fair success out of her chosen vocation. She wears a lightweight silver necklace around her neck, a pendant of which of deep amethyst contrasting rather prettily to her feathers.
Vore: Fe'ath is primarily prey, not least due to her diminutive size compared to most. She will be a predator at times, but they have to be significantly smaller than herself for her to swallow it whole. Larger creatures will probably be torn apart if Fe'ath gets the upper hand/wing of them. Whilst Fe'ath may be a 'victim' in other types of 'vore', she won't ever be the 'predator' in anything but conventional vore. Soft vore preferred, hard vore quite acceptable. Only hard limits where vore is concerned: No cooking (happened too much in the past, and Fe'ath is semi-immune to heat), and no overly descriptive terms involving viscera.

Sex: Fe'ath has an aversion to being messy, hence will not willingly be involved in sex. Unwilling (rape) is acceptable, but don't expect her to become willing/enjoy it except in certain situations. She will always be the victim, never one to molest another sexually.

Other: Most other things are acceptable, including forced transformation(including gender), humiliation, bondage, mutilation (plucking), etc.

N.B Do bear in mind that Fe'ath can be ruthless and is capable of doing severe harm to a character, either emotional, physical or mental. Please PM if things aren't going the way you want, so an opportunity to 'escape' might be arranged.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike In-character approaches in private accepted. Also acceptable is starting off in public and moving to private. Not likely to initiate private roleplay though unless I'm sure it'd be well-received.