((The Comic is Property of the wonderful artist Wolfy, used with her permission as Ella is based on the comic.))
Well after the incident its fair enough to assume Ella is nothing but nutrients for
Caso, as is the way of the wasteland and a deathclaw. One makes a mistake, the deathclaw takes an advantage and life moves on with that person gone from the wastelands.
She doesn't know why she's not. she apologised to Caso and promised to give up stealing Deathclaw eggs, for a reason she doesn't understand Caso accepted and granted her one chance for life. He would watch her to ensure she never went back on her word, and in return she'd be protected by him and have at least his family to be with when needed.
She now works with Caso as a family guard and nanny for the hatched eggs, as well as preforming missions for the Enclave trying to recover old technologies for farming and terraforming. She scavenges for them, raids facilities and sometimes captures HVTs or deals with hostile forces.
She also goes on missions with/fore the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel as the founding of a new peace treaty and alliance with the areas, as well as helping local civilian groups in the area. Her sector of the Enclave working hard to improve its previous "evil image" and restore the world to its former glory. One day they hope to secure another working G.E.C.K or something close enough to fix the scared nuclear wasteland...
Life Before meeting Caso:
Ella doesn't really remember her origins, and that's for good reasons, The
Enclave doesn't want her to remember. She doesn't know this, but she is a living experiment, her purpose was to be a soldier that didn't need a
Stealth boy to cloak, as the nightkin were an example of what happens when Stealth boys are over used, they needed a creature that naturally clocked itself.
Charleston Cave in New Vegas offered the answer as the
Night Stalkers there naturally cloaked themselves.
Using the same procedures used creating
Caso Ella was engineered. The girl was raised in captivity by the enclave and swapped between a set of humans Enclave parents and a trained Night stalker from the cave on a bi-monthly basis so she learned skills form both. She became agile, intelligent, charismatic and something they just couldn't put their finger on, m any said it was luck.
After the fall of the
DC Enclave branch the project lost a lot of funding, at this time Ella was 18. Without the level of funding needed to keep Ella she was told she had to go now, to live out in the wastes, not shot, because one day she'd be called back to serve. The data was gathered and new Enclave soldiers could be bred with her DNA implanted
The girl had a chip put in her neck to let the Enclave track her and then had her memory wiped. letting her keep her skills but nothing secret, like her origin. She found herself left outside an abandoned house confused and hungry. The smell off yummy deathclaw eggs caught her nose from inside.

(more art by Wolfy. done as a commision/gift for me)
Basic Info
Name: Ella Radtail
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Demi-Human Night Stalker
Physical Appearence: *points up* erm a little less black and white. (Wolfy's gonna do a pic for me)
Height 6"1'
Prefference: Bi-sexual, more towards lesbian, but
Caso is always welcome
Str 6
Per 9
End 8
Chr 6
Int 8
Agl 9
Lck 8
As being part Night stalker and an Enclave project she received a number of implants and intense training making her stronger and smarter than average.
Venomous: Her teeth are Venomous and when biting she has a 50/50 chance to poison with each bite. Her venom does 5hp of damage a second over 60 seconds and has -2 to END stats.
she is also immune to low and medium strength venoms like Radscorpions and other night-stalkers. Powerful venom works twice as slowly on her.
Snake-eye: She can naturally see in the dark and when focusing can see thermal signatures.
Night Stalker scent: Most night stalkers smell her scent as one of them and are friendly to her and those with her, however most Cazadors are extra aggressive near her.
Claws: Her hands have retractable claws where the nails should be, about as sharp as a Combat knife giving her another advantage in melee combat. they lack some of cutting abilities of Deathclaw claws.
Cloak: Ella has the ability to cloak herself without using a
Stealth boy. When she gets excited she struggles to control this and may randomly cloak and de-cloak.
Hunting rifle with a 3.5X scope, custom action bolt and extended magazine
Lil' Devil 12.7mm pistol
GRA 50. cal AMR With Carbon fibre parts and custom bolt. (Will be carried in place of hunting rifle, both are not carried at once)
Torn Pink shirt
Full set of
Re-enforced Combat armour Mk II Including helmet with Visor
Enclave Radio
Stimpak x15
Auto inject Stimpak x5
Food Sanitizer
Radaway x10
Rad-X x5
Nuka Cola x3
Caravan Lunch x2
12.7mm X200
.308 X 50
.50 cal x 20
.50 cal explosive x 5
Pre-War money X25 (2,500$)
Toy Nuka Cola Truck
Bottle cap x1869 caps
NCR Dollars NCR$350
Legion currency 0 golden aureus, 0 silver denarii. Given to
Art belongs to
Character made by
MikoSilkpaw, Alt of