
Damian "VirtualVulpe" McKinnley has entered the game.

A large taur, canid in appearing sits down on his haunch in a cyber coffee. He places on the table a laptop which shows a competitive game of some sort. League of Legends, Dota 2, Starcraft, Counter-Strike... He plays it all. His yellow eyes quickly find the matchmaking button and he clicks on it. While he waits, he brushes his hand in his short, light brown hair and then stretches and cracks his fingers joined together. A few seconds later, he sighs when he hasn't found a game yet, so he twists his upper body around to reach for the bags resting on his taur hips. His fur, blue on the outside and light sky blue on the inside with dark blue markings seems well kept for a being his size. He pulls out a handheld console from his belongings and he flicks it on to play something while he waits... to play something.

The matchmaking queue pops up and the fox taur quickly closes the handheld he was holding to focus his attention to the laptop and the game. He seems really attentive to what is happening on his screen and it gives onlookers a great opportunity to watch over him in details. His belly, chest, chin cheeks and inner ears are covered in light blue, almost white fur. His tail has spots of the same color on the top of it as well as the tip, which is for the msot part that color. His taur forelegs have the shoulders of that color and his taur hindlegs have the area around the knee like that as well, like sock. Finally, his fingers are also covered in light blue fur. His back, the front of his face, his tail as well his toes are all a deep blue. Along with his, his hindlegs thighs. Finally, like fingerless gloves, both his arms and forelegs have dark blue fur covering them. Small stripes of the same color dividing light to deep blue fur on his chest where taur and anthro connects as well as where thigh ends on his hindlegs and the tip of his tail plus where light fur becomes darker fur.

Double kill, triple kill, multi kill, m-m-m-monster kill!

Staring intensely at the screen, Damian's fingers move quickly and his reaction speed is enough for him to dominate most average players. The screen flickers rapidly as he moves into position to take out several opponents in a row, showing the cunning he has developed in those games and his talent at predicting his opponent's next move. A grin appears on his face as he is happy with himself. He has an objective in sight and he's ready to hit the last nail in the coffin. He rushes onward and into the room only to jerk when a loud noise is heard and his body ragdolls to the ground in game... A sniper he hadn't seen or taken into account. He yells and slams his fist on the table. His damn ego got in the way and he thought he had victory well in hand. He stares angrily at his screen and yells at his teammates when they do small and silly mistakes allowing the enemy sniper, another good player, to take them down one by one. "Why do I always get paired up with noobs?" He says and ragequits out of the game, only to end up browsing the web idly. He orders a drink to calm down.

Once his anger has died down, his behavior changes quite a bit. After finishing the smoothie he ordered, he grabs the laptop and heads toward one of the couches only to lay on them, taking most if not all the space. Laptop on his taur belly, he starts writing up something with his spare time. He seems quite a bit used to be a couch potato and his muscles soon all relax, his tail sliding to the floor limply. Judging by the guts of the creature and the general shape of his muscles, he is not one to exercise all that much. He doesn't seem weak, by all means, since he's a taur, but he doesn't seem particularly agile or strong. After a while, he packs his tings up and stores them in his bags. He winks at you... Did he know you were watching him? And he leaves.

Played under A_Thousand_Alts
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