
Auger Katan
Adaloterian | 20's | Male


  • Height: 4'3"
  • Weight: 300 lbs
  • Eyes: Yellow
  • Occupation: Pilgrim/Big Game Hunter
  • Designation: Adalet
  • Homeland: Tundra Swamps of Enkinmar

  • An Adalet from the Tundra Swamps of Enkinmar, Auger represents one of the many members Adaloterian species. Young and mischievous, he delved headlong into adventure once he came to age for his pilgrimage, as customary by Adaloterian cultural traditional. One can find him in many places in the world, but always in one of the local pubs come evening, with a stomach to match.

    Likes and Dislikes

    With how short he is, he loves knocking people down a peg, especially those bigger than himself.

    Enjoys trophies of any kind, especially those from a past hunt of his.

    Cuddling, he loves being held and craddled.

    Curves, be it tums, waists, thighs, chests, and what not.....Who doesn't like theses?

    While not afraid, he is quite uncomfortable around edges at high heights. Prefers the ground under his feet.

    Traits and Skills

    He is a keen sharp shooter. With his custom built Vetertalli Rifle, he is able to swap from rifle rounds to pistol rounds with just the swap of a bolt. Good at all ranges.

    With a muscle density denser than most species combined with Wilderfiend DNA, he is far stronger than one would expect. Even Tohgrons are surprised by this Adalet's strength, easily capable of lifting tenfold his weight.

    Excellent in the cold, the heat though will drain him quickly. His fur coat is very chinchilla like.

    Has a LOT of room in his stomach, with a metabolism to match. People double his height aren't safe.


    Auger hails from a unique place in Enkinmar, the Tundra Swamps. Cold year around, snow and ice will always be seen, be it the plains, forrests, or mountainsides. White, teal, and sangria are the most common colors seen, sprouts of red flora pocking out from the snow while a green haze floats over the land. Despite their home land and their attire, Adaloterians are adept in the cold, preferring it over the heat. Winter gear is all but absent from their towns, making the species seem as if they are dressed for summer most of the time. They might be small, but their muscle destiny is far greater than other species, making them very hardy for the environment. Many Adalets have beem seen performing feats of strength equal to that of giants and Auger once arm wrestled Wilderfer into submission, despite being 3 feet shorter. It also allows them to eat much more than one would expect, ensuring few things are safe from an Adaloterian's hunger. When it comes to their ways in life, both Adalets, the males of the species, and Adalats, the females, are focused on family and tradition. Responsiblity is key to survival, so everyone learns everthing, making Adalortians exceptionally skilled in many fields. All partake pilgrimages come their 20s, leaving their homes to work in other villages or explore the world, to bring back something of value at the end of their pilgrimage. Auger happens to be one of those few who left, out to hunt a fabled legendary beast. Though many considered it a fool's notion, questioning if it even exists, he plans on bringing back a skull...and a tum to show.

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