
A character from Narokwi



Not many kobolds tend to live quite as long as Aristan, at least, not where he's from. Perhaps he's got more common sense than most or perhaps he's lucky, it's hard to say. He certainly didn't have the safest occupations though, spending much of his earlier years as a thief. He tried to turn over a new leaf and work for the law once he saw what they did to some of his friends that got caught. He ended up working with a local mercenary guild, putting his ability to get in and out of places unseen to use and sliding a knife into the back of his marks. After working up a small fortune he retired and moved far out away from the nation where he'd made his living. He has been enjoying the easy life ever since. At times when boredom sets in he travels, but he doesn't get into any more risky jobs.



He tends to favor loose fitting and comfortable black clothing with yellow trim, typically cotton or silk, though also usually enchanted to be kept cleanly and in good condition... quite a luxury to be afforded mere clothing, but it does help pull off his simple elegant atmosphere. Whether shorter and lighter summer clothes or thicker winter wear this color pattern is kept consistent. At times he'll wear a cape or a cloak just to be a bit more dashing, but he seldom wears any sort of jewelry or gemstones, considering their flashiness to be "bad luck" with as much time as he's spent in need of stealth.

His body itself is likewise neat and presentable. His scales, small enough that his hide feels like leather to run fingers across, are kept perfectly clean, with no markings or tattoos or even perfumes to mask or decorate them. His horns, those few ebony protrusions of bone along the back of his head, swept up, are also clean, but not quite polished as so to avoid his disdain for anything outright shiny. His eyes are a dull amber and portray his usual mood, a simple peaceful calm, well enough. The only real shiny thing on him is a flash of light occasionally caught off his pearly, sharp fangs. His athletic form is kept healthy, strong, and lean... quite imposing for a kobold, who by the way stands quite a bit taller than most of his kind. A giant among 'bolds indeed at five and a half feet tall!