
"If you know what's good for you you won't annoy me--my parents would rip your entrails out of your nostrils and wear your skin like you wear a coat." -- Amethystra, Daughter of Sideromelane and Obsidian

Images do not belong to me, hypertext linked pictures are used as references only!

Amethystra sprawling with her legs spread.
Amethystra showing how dextrous her wingclaws are by using it to take a drink.
A rarely-seen playful position of Amethystra.
Various close-ups of her body make-up. (Yes I know it's a character sheet for someone else, it's why it's hypertext linked)
A close-up of what the inside of her jaws looks like, with the exception that her incisors and canines are longer than usual.
Artwork drawn by their respective artists.

NAME: Amethystra
AGE: Unknown (Looks to be a Young Adult)
GENDER: Female
RACE: Dragon (Exact species unknown)

HEIGHT: 16'9" (Height) / 69'11" (Length)
WEIGHT: Unknown (You gonna ask her?)
EYES: Icy Blue
SCALES: Amethyst Purple (Metallic and gleams in the light), Cyan Blue underbelly (glimmers like Cobalt)

The mostly mysterious and only known child of Sideromelane and Obsidian, Amethystra is a good deal smaller than both--without the ability to adjust her size as of yet, she shares the same exact biological traits of her parents but is completely oblivious to them until her parents show her how they work! This was likely done intentionally on their part to prevent their daughter from harming herself, given how vicious their specific breed tends to be... She was once a human male whom had fallen prey to Obsidian's lust and forced to stew inside of his internal testicles for three months, before his mostly liquefied form was cummed into Sideromelane's vagina--where the process finally broke his body apart and he was absorbed fully into one of her ovaries and thusly began the transformation--PERMENANT transformation--into their birth child. Upon hatching she had no memory of her former life at all and indeed has no qualms at all about performing torture upon other living races--same as her parents. In particular she has taken a liking to the old Pirate Punishment of scrimshawing--flaying the muscles open to expose the bones before carving into the bone itself. Her own saliva has the unique quality of causing blood to clot, preventing her victims from bleeding out so she is quite literally capable of cutting you open--licking the wound and you will not bleed out, allowing her to do as she pleases with you... and death will not release you until she is finished with you.

There are some distinct key differences in the way that Amethystra's body differs from a majority of her kind--the first and foremost is her saliva. Her saliva's bacterial components are, for the most part, dormant. The saliva contains two reactants within it, however... the first being that it is a blood coagulant, the second is that the saliva functions quite similarly to glue in its adhesiveness. This adhesive property has no effect upon her own species but anything else triggers the components which causes it to become as tar--quite literally allowing her to stick anything to any surface simply by licking it beforehand. However, if the saliva is rapidly applied to something through a bite it instantly activates the bacteria ladened within it resulting in a fatal bite even should the victim escape.

But therein lies the additional quality--the bacteria within her saliva is not similar to most of her species. Whilst it still causes the flesh to be slowly rotted off from the inside-out as with other flesh-eating bacteria, this also causes the poor victim to lose control of themselves.. they seek other uninfected individuals in an attempt to deliver disease-ladened bites of their own--their minds almost feverishly compelled to do so as well as to consume the flesh of the living. Effectively becoming disease carriers that seek to spread this disease--or turning into a plague-carrier zombie, for lack of a better term. The disease rots at an extremely decelerated rate, allowing the carrier to last for a month before finally expiring--and even upon death their organs begin to swell before bursting, releasing disease-ridden clouds into the air that can spread if inhaled by other species. If killed by having the brain destroyed the organs do not rupture oddly enough. Amethysthra is aware of the position of each and every one of her 'zombies' through some unknown sensory perception, where she will go and collect the bodies after they expire by devouring them and this her primary method of hunting.. and it is has she has survived, by infecting entire communities and waiting for them to die off before going back and eating them at her leisure without worry of harm.

Her breath weapon, however... is quite literally 'concentrated rot' that she can expel from her maw into a line of virulent gases and other nasty bits at anything within range. This concentrated rot will decay anything it touches regardless if it is metal, stone, wood or organic flesh--those whom survive the initial blast are instantly forced into advanced stages of decomposition and immediately under the effect of her 'zombification' disease in her saliva--causing survivors to go after their friends in an attempt to transform them into more 'zombies' for her to feast upon. She generally only utilizes this ability when forced into a corner with no escape and she does not believe she can escape or defeat her foes in a conventional manner. When breathed into the ground beneath her feet she turns it instead into a billowing cloud that spreads outwards from her body as it rots everything around her for an extended distance, and can travel upwards of fifty miles per hour for approximately six seconds in every direction and it can penetrate even the smallest of crevices.

In terms of her physical capabilities her scales (including her underbelly scales) and hide are a good deal tougher, more dense and far more durable than that of others of her species. Her muscles are tighter and stronger, granting her a bit more physical strength and durability but her flexibility suffers as a result. She is not as agile as her mother and father, but with age she will exceed them in terms of physical strength AND durability--her scales are hardened similar to metallic substances but are not susceptible to the same weaknesses. Her bones are denser, hardier and are not hollowed--she cannot 'fly' as her parents can due to the denseness of them. She can, however, launch herself high into the sky with her muscles and use her powerful wings to permit herself to glide towards her destination or even to crash intentionally into the earth using her armored scales to absorb the blow. Forcibly crashing into the ground this way does not harm her at all but it can do extreme damage to others as well as destroy structures with relative ease.

She possesses the same 'cat-like' qualities with her talons, however she pointedly keeps the sheaths clean of any invading creatures as she finds the idea of such things sneaking inside to be disgusting and goes to great lengths to ensure that her sheaths are clean so they are discouraged from entering them. She rarely uses her claws as a point of fact and only in the most dire of situations, and immediately thereafter uses her flesh-eating saliva or copious amounts of water to flush the sheaths clean of unwanted bits and guests. Her tail's 'blade' has hardened into that similar to a greatsword, as the scales along the tail are infused with metallic qualities giving them a crystallized amethyst appearance, the venomated scale beneath the blade has fused into the blade itself, causing every strike with it to release the neurotoxic venom in her foes. Similarly, her wings have hardened the scales due to her inability to fly as the talons on the ends fold together when she is about to strike, thrusting them forwards with force far greater than that of either of her parents--essentially, when she thrusts with her wings it is like she is thrusting with a 'Dragonater' Ballista bolt.

Her genitalia is the exact same as her species, as well as her gastric tracts being identical.
She is currently digesting... one.

She is currently cumgesting... one.

She is currently... heat, emitting pheromones to attract a male.

Currently Looking For: A proper male feral dragon to breed with... one that has to be dominant enough to tame her, gentle enough to caress her, and virile enough to impregnate her.

She is also hungry and seeking something to fill her belly with.

All prey have the option to ask me to take their names off of this counter, as this is mostly done so I can keep track of whom is digesting and where and for how long due to the fact my memory is utter shit.
Character of Dark_Shadoan.

For more information on the species itself refer to Physiology
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Approach OOCly or I will ignore the PM.
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
20 Minutes Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you take an unnecessary long amount of time to post (20 minutes or longer), and only post a short paragraph (3 lines); then I expect to be told you're either distracted or whatever. If you take almost an hour with no reply I will terminate the RP and I likely won't want to RP with you again in the future. I'm patient, but making me wait that long is just plain disrespectful.
Paragraph Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Since I feel as if I have to write this here--I'm not interested in anymore quick roleplays, if I am going to roleplay with someone the roleplay HAS to be a paragraph one! I'm tired of putting out a 6-7 liner only to be met with a 2-3 liner in response. If you don't have the time nor the focus for a scene, then please don't ask me for one or approach.