
Hi there! So if you were wondering who was behind A_Thousand_Alts and the associated characters, you have found him. It is me. After a long thought process and also because lurking on my alt list was a bit cumbersome, I have decided to bring my fursona, or me, to the chat. I will most likely be lurking when I am around like this, but I will also goof off and such as I would personally. Please note that my fursona obviously reflects who I am and as such, I am a bit more protective of him, of me, than I am of my alts. What does this mean? It means that I am a little bit less tolerant about “out of the norm” things said toward me. For example, it makes me uneasy when people talk about digesting my fursona even as a joke and other things of this nature. But don’t worry, I have a thick hide and will let you know if I am not enjoying myself.

So what am I? I am an anthro ferret with heterochromatic eyes, one blue and one green, which only applies to my fursona as I have eyes that change colors, slightly, according to the weather and other factors. I am 5’11 and weight closer to 200 lbs than I’d like. Despite this, I am still in a good shape, thanks to hereditary ease in muscle development. I am lightly short-sighted and must wear glass when reading or watching a screen to avoid eye strain. I wear my glasses all the time as they also correct a small case of astigmatism and it is also easier than always putting them on and off whenever I do stuff.
And who am I? Well, my name is Alex as stated above, also known as Newguy12354 under my online handle or A_Thousand_Alts in this chat. Describing my personality here without sounding like self-centered bastard will be hard, but I like to believe I am a generally social guy, usually nice, a bit shy and easily approachable. I am a gamer and a lazy couch potato. I have a very logical mind which makes any creative outlet outside of writing hard for me so now you understand why all the alts and the storytelling. I enjoy poetry a lot as well, it is like maths, but with words, due to the all the rules you can work with. I can talk for days about things I know and love, like science for example, and still manage a conversation where I am talking out of my ass so yeah… I tend to talk a lot. However, it mostly happens when I am talked to first. I rarely initiate anything. Finally, I was born French and learned English, so I am fluent in both languages, should it interest you.

As you may have noticed from my pictures, I do tend to carry a laptop with me whenever I go anywhere for a long period of time. I like to stay connected with my friends and it always is handy to be able to look up stuff, watch a movie or game anywhere you go. I also own a cellphone which is my secondary device should the laptop become a handful.
I have a background in Natural Sciences with a degree in Biochemistry and yet, I found myself climbing the ranks as an office worker which is why you sometimes see me online during the day… I need something to keep the brain going when things get dull.
For those who know me and play me with me, or my alts rather, I have an ever changing mood. One moment, all I can think of is how much I want to roleplay, which character to bring and all the awesome scenarios that could happen and the next, I am a bored, unable to do anything ferret. I haven’t quite figured out what causes this, but it is probably stress related.

Anyhow, there is no point in describing myself too much as I will mostly lurk around here. So enjoy the extra pictures!