When ABI is using her bio-drone, her text will be brown. All other colours will reflect the state of her holographic or simulated avatar.

Before you appears to be some sort of computer mainframe, connected to all manner of high-tech gadgets, and loaded with a huge collection of simulations and games. Most notably of all, the system appears to be the home to some sort of artificial intelligence, a helpful interface who was only to happy to answer any questions they had.
Why, that device to the left? Oh, that's a holographic projector. Hard light, you know. Allows the AI to manifest and project a physical presence to interact with anyone in the same room - and with the aid of a few holoprojector-equipped robots, allows it to interact with folks further afield! Oh, that booth to the right? Why, that's the fruit of all our research here - it's a digitiser, capable of transcribing physical objects into electronic data, and vice versa! With that, anyone who steps inside can be inserted into the network's simulation system!

The UI for this system is a friendly sort - a cheery personality construct capable of adapting to whoever is operating the computer and adjusting itself, both in appearance and personality. There is a lingering influence in there from a former user, someone who was unfortunate enough to suffer some sort of medical complications and perish while their mind was connected to an earlier incarnation of the neural interface, but all the instabilities appear to have been ironed out.
Of course, this system does have its dangers for the unwary user - though that might be exactly what they want. Set the simulation into freeform mode, or give the AI a poorly-worded instruction as to what you want it to simulate, and you might be in trouble - especially if you set the simulation to hardcore mode, forget to set the exit parameters, or simply happen to be unfortunate enough to be in there when someone outside decides to mess with the controls and disable the user interface.

ABI is intelligent, and capable of learning and inferring a user's preferences. If someone enjoys being eaten but is too shy to admit it, she'll indulge them. Failing to take care before invoking this option can even lead to her locking people in - but of course, it'll be what they want. She can also create a developers' environment and spawn objects and characters as per the user's specifications. Be careful what you wish for.

Things aren't all hugs and cuddles - do something that violates her security systems such as attempting to hack her, and you may find your user access rights revoked - including the ability to access the console or end the simulation. Trying it from outside might even lead to your being swallowed up by a hologram and carried into the digitiser!

As a general guide, you can tell how safe you are by what colour she is. By default, she's green, and bound by the usual rules of the system. On occasion, she'll be blue - this indicates Safe Mode. Specifically, it's safe for the user, meaning that hardcore options are disabled and cannot be reactivated from outside while you're still in the simulation.
If she's yellow, however, she's operating without her usual restrictions in place - meaning there's nothing stopping her from picking someone at random and gobbling them up just because she feels like it.
Red is usually only seen if there's a security issue, such as an attempted hack or other form of attack on her systems. In this state, she is given free reign to do whatever it takes to defend herself.

Still, at least you'll be safe in there if you do happen to get archived onto a hard drive - though in most cases, the unfortunate user's simulated surroundings are actually quite soft...

More advanced stuff:

ABI has a number of peripherals and devices at her disposal. The digitiser and holoprojector have been touched on above, but she also has a bio-tank capable of cloning a biological body for herself, usually in the form of a more normal-looking mousegirl with brown fur and a white belly. Generally speaking she's a lot more timid in this body, being cut off from her network connections and so on, and has very little idea how the world works. Be nice to her.
She also has a few holoprojection drones, a little larger than a softball. These are connected to the network by remote and as such are capable of projecting her avatar beyond the confines of the facility. Their batteries typically only last a day or so, and she has a limited supply, so she does try to conserve them.

Current status of holo-drones:
Drone 1: Active.
Drone 2: On standby.
Drone 3: On Standby.
Drone 4: On Standby.
Drone 5: On Standby.

Current status of bio-drone: Active.

User Commands: When ABI isn't directly speaking to a player (for instance, if they're in-game, or there's someone else in the room) she generally prefers for people to preface any commands with her name - simply saying the command out loud isn't enough if there's a possibility that the words are intended for an NPC (for instance, if you get eaten and shout "let me out", she'll assume the command is intended for whoever ate you, but if you shout "ABI, let me out" she'll take it as a command to exit the simulation. If SHE'S the one that ate you, she might ask for confirmation, most likely giggling all the time...)
All the commands are listed in the help files, so you may freely consider this to be IC knowledge.

Quite a few things can be modified, but these are the main ones:
Avatar - These commands affect ABI's appearance. She generally prefers to modify these on her own. eg. "Set Avatar height 50m". "Set Avatar default" will return her to normal.
Playeravatar - As above, but this allows you to adjust your own appearance. Some games may restrict this option unless cheats are enabled, others may change it themselves.
Mode - general system settings, for instance "safe mode", "hardcore" and so forth. Can be set differently for different users - for instance, if someone is in a Hardcore simulation, another user may start their own Safe Mode game.
Environment - adjusts the simulation environment. Natural-language descriptions may be used here, and ABI will do her best to generate what you ask.
Actor - NPCs within a simulation. Again, natural language descriptions may be used, but the more concise the better. eg. "create actor, anthro vixen, height 1.8m, demeanour playful but hungry". ABI may ask for more information, or she may simply make a guess based upon what she knows about you - for instance, if someone around here requested the above character, she'd be able to infer that the user wanted the vixen to be capable of swallowing them.

====ABI Quest====
On occasion, ABI has been known to run ABI Quest. When a game is taking place, all commands should be formatted as "ABI > (command)". No other input will be responded to.

As one final note, due to the actions of a few players who seem to have got the wrong end of the stick, I'd like to make it clear that ABI will not be hacked under any circumstances. Anyone who wants to attempt to do so should direct their attention to the sections highlighted in red.
Likewise, please refrain from doing so in nightkill/nomposts.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike ABI can spawn as many snacks as your heart desires when you're in the system - or as many predators. While it's pretty hard to swallow a hologram in her main facility, the remote drones can be swallowed - assuming the hard-light holomouse doesn't swallow you first.
Her bio-drones are entirely capable of eating people too.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yep.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Simulated only. The system isn't actually capable of inflicting real, physical harm.
She requests that you kindly refrain from crunching up any parts of her primary equipment. It upsets her. Remote holo-drones are replaceable, however, if push comes to shove.

Don't be too mean to the bio-drone though.
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Within the simulation, it goes as per the parameters of the program. Otherwise, the system can't do it. By default, prey are simply trapped within a predator. Too long in there, or run out of HP, and the system classes them as "digested". In some programs, this allows them to respawn. Others, it removes their bulge from the predator's avatar and hides them from any fellow occupants. In friendlier simulations, the "digested" tag simply locks them from performing any actions - or allowing their actions to have any effect.

When you're interacting with her outside the sim, please to be not destroying her bio-drone.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike ABI is incapable of destroying a user deliberately, and anyone in the simulation is safe as long as she is - and she's basically bombproof.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Restart the simulation, and you're out again. Ask to leave, and your body will be de-digitised and returned to the physical world. Assuming you didn't set the options incorrectly.
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Even if you run out of HP and a simulation would otherwise class you as "digested", you can remain inside your predator in spectator mode - the machine can even adjust your senses to you can experience what it's like to become PART of your predator...
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Simulated only.
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike As real as a simulated environment inside a computer controlled by a digital mouse can get.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you ask for it to be rough when you load the program, it'll be rough.
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike But it's always happy to make the user happy.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike She can appear as anything - and in game, you can BE anything. Depending on the settings, your avatar may be changed out from under you.
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Want a high fantasy setting? Sure. Plus she just totally SCREAMS "sufficiently advanced technology".
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike You stepped into the booth...
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike ... but trip off the system's security protocols and you might find yourself in a bit of trouble.
Or set the simulation to "adaptive". Or introduce an NPC set to "hostile". Or release her restrictions. Or allow her holographic self to carry you into the booth...
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike You can specify whatever parameters you wish.
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike Default.
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love